A Prophecy Discovered

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Hello again everyone writing block and lack of motivation yadda yadda yadda you've read these before on to the chapter itself. Also you can just play the music at anytime it's just good background music, also the image is completely unrelated to the chapter just a picture I took while camping a good while ago now.

(Roon POV)

It's been a few weeks now since both tante leaving back to bruder's side after the Eagle Union attacked the Abyssals. And even in that timeframe things have definitely changed around Pearl. Mainly the tightening of both coastal and air based defenses having brought in some of Ironblood's prototype fighters based off siren tech mainly in the use of jet engines.

The next big change was the mood of the base, when tante was here it felt up-beat and as if nothing could bring the at the time ascendent Azur Lane down. Then with the arrogance of the higher up military personal in the Eagle Union attacking the abyss the mood dropped with in minutes of tante's departure. When she was still new on base and before that festival and even after it some of us distrusted her for fairly blatant reasons, but over time we grew to know her and some in Ironblood and even other factions started treating her more like family and less like an ambassador. Of course when the attack happened that changed in an instant from happiness and optimism for a brighter future with the Abyssals along side us to fight the Sirens, to a desperate hope that we could survive the full onslaught of thier warmachine.

At the moment for me however I'm looking out to sea. Some might ask why as now it's even more dangerous than when the factions had to fend off both the Sirens and eachother. But to me it has always been home during and out of wartime, before Eis went missing now three years ago almost we would always be on the edge of the base talking to eachother even schwester joined on occasion and even Z1 joined eventually. Now with the other three out below the sea somewhere I remember an old song that the four of us would sing on that edge every now and then.

*flashback to 4 years ago on the edge of the Ironblood base in Norway*

I remember those days like they were yesterday. I remember the last time we sang the song a few days before their departure to the north for a more nomadic use of the spardic Ironblood and Northern Parliament bases to the north.

*the first female voice is Roon, the second one is Yenisey and the third is Z1 and obviously the male vocals are Eiskonig*

Fé vældr frænda róge
Føðesk ulfr í skóge
Úr er af illu jarne
Opt løypr ræinn á hjarne
Þurs vældr kvinna kvillu
Kátr værðr fár af illu
Óss er flæstra færða
Fǫr; en skalpr er sværða
Ræið kveða rossom væsta
Reginn sló sværðet bæzta
Kaun er barna bǫlvan
Bǫl gørver nán fǫlvan
Hagall er kaldastr korna
Kristr skóp hæimenn forna
Nauðr gerer næppa koste
Nøktan kælr í froste
Ís kǫllum brú bræiða
Blindan þarf at læiða
Ár er gumna góðe
Get ek at ǫrr var
Fróðe Sól er landa ljóme
Lúti ek helgum dóme
Týr er æinendr ása
Opt værðr smiðr blása
Bjarkan er laufgrønstr líma
Loki bar flærða tíma
Maðr er moldar auki
Mikil er græip á hauki
Lǫgr er, fællr ór fjalle
Foss; en gull ero nosser
Ýr er vetrgrønstr viða
Vænt er, er brennr, at sviða

*end of flashback*

As I continue to stare off into the blue distance I hear bushes being moved as I'm in a more heavily forested of the island that this Pearl is on. As I hear the rustling getting closer i eventually look over my shoulder and see 4 faces peaking out from some bushes. The four seemed to freeze when they saw I was looking at them, I then remembered who they were.

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