A Deal Struck

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I know I'm slow into the chapter. Also have a look at my class ring, to think I'll be out of school and graduated soon.

(Eiskoing/Geist's POV)

The meeting was today. With the delegates being able to see how the Abyss is, and how it could help the surface. Of course the delegates were intimated. That comes with the territory, but we are here to make peace. However unlike peace's in the past. This one will last, even if we have to us unsavory methods. We can see the thunderhead forming, the fabric of the multiverse is at risk. And we'll be damned if we let our home get destroyed.

However there was also celebration, while yes many Abyssal's died once it was revealed to be Siren influence, well the ire of my people turned from the Humans to the Sirens. To help show the culture of our dear Abyss the citizenry stepped up. A massive festival was made within a day. Dances, food, plays, you name it there was at least one Abyssal doing it.

Then there was the hidden affair with Amelia and the pool. But that was agreed to be dealt with after the peace was signed, and the Siren pests forced out of our home. The peace signing was set to happen at Noon. But there is one thing that must be done before hand. What is that? Simple, the procession and introduction of the nobles and the delegates, we are still a monarchy.

(3rd POV)
(I'm apart of a Middle Ages reenactment group, we do court and as such have seen many.)

So after a few hours of preparing the court, the procession could begin. Off to the side of several thrones stood Wo dressed in the blue and black regalia of the Palace Guards. After the common populace that were allowed to attend sat down, the Abyssal by the King and Queens thrones began.

"Lords and ladies of the Abyssal Kingdom!" They began.

"Today we are here to not only welcome those from the surface, but to also see the signing of a historic document, in which will be peace between the Surface and our home! To do so the Surface have sent delegates to speak in their places. First our Majesties, King Geist and his fair Queen Oni!"

With their names called the duo walked down the row in the middle of the court, as they passed the Abyssal's, who stood up upon the ceremony's commencement, bowed to the rulers as they passed. As the got to their thrones they were made of a black crystal so dark they seemed to absorb the light around them. They were also furnished with plush blue velvet cushions for the comfort of their rulers.

After them the fallen were slowly called up in groups. In order was Fae and her entourage, Opal, Leviathan, Almirante, Mastreo, Freya, Dakar, and Jormungandur. After them the Sakurans came next, Deep Maiden, Shrine, Amaterasu, Jorōjumo and Tsuchigumo, Yosuzme, and Kumiho. Following behind the Sakurans were the Royal Navy, Black Queen, Leo, Celestine, Virgo, and Lindwyrm. And finally was the Eagle Union, Phantom, Keystone, Thunderbird, Phenoix, Apollyon, and Astera.

After them the delegates were called down each with their Kansen escort, "From Eagle Union, Lady Amliea Lockhart and her attendant Essex!" As these two walked down the aisle and pointed to their seat they were treated with a throne made off steel made into a pair of eagles for the armrests. After they sat down the next Delegate was called for.

 After they sat down the next Delegate was called for

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