At the End of All Things

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 I have lived to see many things.

The fall of kingdoms and the rise of new ones. The death of kings and the birth of heirs.

But never have I seen battle like this.

I must admit that I believed it would be an easy victory. When I saw Dain and his soldiers launch into an attack, part of me was consumed by pity, for surely they were to meet their ends at the spears of Thranduil's army. And when the elven arrows shot into the sky, I was certain that death would reach the dwarves of the Iron Hills even sooner.

But they shot back.

Like they were nothing more than sticks, the arrows were torn to shreds by the airborne weapons of dwarven making. On the platform of the mountain, shouts of victory are heard as the company falls around each other's necks.

Do not celebrate too soon.

When the dwarves on their wild boars ram into the elven army's front, I swear I feel the impact in my chest. I look at Gandalf. He nods at me, drawing his own sword as I do mine.

I have lived to be many things. But never have I been in battle before. It only feels right, that this first time should be side-by-side with him.

And yet, right before I charge forwards, my eyes shoot upwards. They find exactly what they seek, even if I wish I did not seek it any longer. Thorin stands proudly, watching the battle of his kin unfold.

Never did I think my first battle should be fought against the man I loved.

I hope Bilbo will manage. I hope the ring I gave him might keep him alive, just a bit longer than he normally would. This is the last thought on my mind before I start running.

That's when the ground starts rumbling. This time, though, there is no doubting that an earthquake is upon us. It has to be. What else could--

The enormous worms shoot up through the earth without warning. The monsters, huge by any measure, have mouths that look as though they could swallow an entire battalion whole.


I will assume they are not fighting on our side. This does not really need confirming by anyone.

As the earth worms start devouring their way through Dain's army, I get a feeling in my stomach. It is no more than a tingling at first, but still, the sensation eats its way through me until I'm utterly incapable of moving.

Something wicked is coming.

I feel it in my blood.

What is it that I have not accounted for? Who is it I have forgotten?

That is when I see them. Hundreds of them, crawling or riding on wargs. The orcs. But this is not what makes me tense. No, what makes me frozen to the spot is who I see riding on the largest beast of all in the front.


The vile spawn has come to finish what he started on this very battlefield, a century and a half ago.

Instantly, my eyes seek Thorin, but he is nowhere to be seen. The company has left the stronghold of the mountain, on their way to fight alongside the rest of us.

Four armies it is, then.

Only twice the amount Gandalf feared.

The blow comes when I am least prepared for it. No one screams my name in warning before the weapon lands against the side of my skull. No one sees me fall.

In a flash, my body is thrown against the ground. I feel as though my head is bound to explode.

Get up, Ilwien.

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