We, the Reckless

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 I let out a gasp when I feel Thorin's beard scratch my shoulder as he plants kiss after kiss up my back. His stray hairs tickle as they caress my neck while he presses up against me. With his hands, he grabs onto my breasts from behind, and I almost swoon at the sensation of his lips against my ear.

"Be a good girl," he says, "and keep quiet for me."

Just as I'm about to protest, he bites onto my earlobe, and goosebumps shiver down my body. This only makes my nipples harden even more, which he surely feels beneath his skin, for in the next instant, he squeezes them, almost hard enough to hurt.

A warning.

But I know better than to listen to warnings. Even if they do come from dwarven kings.

With his tongue, he licks my ear, and keeps doing so even while playing with my breasts. Through his clothes, I feel something warm against me. But before I get to reach back to feel it, he has used his leg to spread mine apart. Part of me knows what will happen next.

Still I am not ready.

A finger travels down from my breasts, tracing its path down my stomach until he reaches the center of me. Carefully, he drives his finger into my slit, slowly moving my lips apart. At this point, he surely cannot be surprised at the wetness that greets him, but still, he lets out a growl in my ear.

This only makes me spread my legs even further apart.

But when he begins massaging me in circles, it becomes too much to take. The moan flees my throat before I have a chance to hold it back.

In an instant, his free hand clasps over my mouth.

"Now, what did I say about keeping quiet, woman?" he whispers in my ear.

But I bite his finger before he can get accustomed to the idea that he may silence me.

"You are not the master of me."

I say it as I have said it many times before, but something is different now. Over my shoulder, I look to find Thorin only grinning at my statement.

He looks me dead in the eyes with half a smirk on his lips as he says:

"We shall see about that."

Next thing I know, he's led two of his fingers into the entrance of my mouth. My lips close around them, and as I slowly take them in, I stick my tongue out beneath them so that he might feel its wetness.

"Mahal," he rumbles, looking at me with hungry eyes as I suck his fingers deeply.

For a moment, his other hand forgets to work me, but my control of this lasts only briefly. As my mouth releases his fingers, he drops them down to my breasts where he begins teasing each nipple. My spit works as moisture as he drives his fingers around in small circles, mimicking the motion of it between my legs.

On my back, I feel his beard etch against my skin as he begins kissing me up my spine, until he reaches the base of my neck. Never have I experienced such pleasure before.

"Oh, Thorin..."

Even though I moan it quietly, the sound of his name on my lips unleashes something in him. He presses himself up against me so hard, I would have fell over had it not been for the firm grip his hands have on me.

I feel his hardness rub against my lower back. The heat of it is driving me crazy.

Sticking my hips out to get better access, I reach back before he can stop my arm. In the blink of an eye, I've turned around, pressing my hands against his broad chest. I look up at him with large eyes.

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