The Choices We Make

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Dwalin's arms are crossed over his chest, and he looks at us as though we have committed a crime.

Quickly, I pull away from Thorin, my hands behind my back like a guilty little girl. By Aulë, how my cheeks heat. I'm glad their color is hidden in the dim lighting of the hallway.

"Did ye think ye could keep foolin' around like this and never get caught?"

Fooling around? Is that what he thinks this is?

Dwalin tilts his shaved head. Thorin clears his throat.

Why is he not standing up to Dwalin? Warrior or not, I find it difficult to believe that he might have any actual jurisdiction over any matters not involving war. Let alone love.

"I know what I'm doing," is all the dwarven king says.

"Yeah? Sure about that, are ye?"

Clearly, Dwalin is not a proponent of the king making love in the hallways of Erebor. I almost chuckle at this whole thing, though something about Dwalin's demeanor tells me not to.

"Aye," Thorin says, taking a step away from me and towards Dwalin. "You needn't worry."

"Well, someone bloody has to."

The two almost square off. This cannot truly be that serious.

Can it?

"None of this is any of your concern, master Dwalin. Least of all her."

Disapprovingly, Dwalin's eyes fall upon me. It makes me want to hold myself tight for some reason, like I might break apart if I didn't.

"Except that ye made it so. Made this all of our concern."

Thorin sighs, rolling his neck in irritation.

"I'll fix it."

Fix what?

"Ye better."

The two stare each other down. I clear my throat to get their attention.

"It's getting rather late," I say. "I should be heading back to my chambers."

"Aye, lass," Dwalin says, not taking his eyes off Thorin. "Ye should. Alone."

What is it that Dwalin holds against me? Never has he taken a particular liking to me, but I don't recall any hatred of his, either. Until now, at least.

"Good evening," I offer as a goodbye, swiftly bending down to pick up the candle where I left it on the floor.

But when I hold it up against me, Dwalin's head briefly turns to me. I do not know if I could have been prepared for the anger that befalls his face.

"Mahal," he swears, turning back to Thorin, "don't tell me ye--"

"It was my choice to make, and mine alone."

I halt, putting my previous resolution to retreat towards my room on pause.

"And what an idiotic one at that."

"Maybe so," Thorin says, holding his chin high, "but I stand by it."

"Dinnae be surprised then," Dwalin rebuttals, "when ye find yourself standing alone."

"He won't be standing alone," I say, my brows furrowing in reaction to this whole confrontation. "I'll be there by his side."

But when I turn to Thorin, he does not even look at me. With his jaw locked, his eyes remain fixed on Dwalin.

"I've warned ye, Thorin," he says, still ignoring me. "End it before anyone gets hurt, ye ken?"

And with that, he is gone.

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