Chapter II: May 10th 1994

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The white light cleared, leaving behind what seemed to be Mystic Falls. Silas was still holding my hand, looking around.

"What happened?" He questioned, he knew I had a plan but I never told him any of it. He turned to look at me as I collapse into him, his arms wrapping around me tightly to hold me up. "Revna?!"

"I'm okay. I just- I need to rest." I explained, breathing heavily. My body felt weird. The magic in me gone.

"Why can't I feel your magic?" He asked as I stood back up, stabilizing myself against him.

"Because I have none." I admitted and started to walk away. He ran after me, walking next to me.

"What do you mean you have none?" I sighed at him, turning to look at him in the middle of the road.

"I shoved all of my magic into Markos to take him out. There is like a one percent chance I could get it back. My traveler magic was used to send us here, a prison world I helped create like 20years ago. Theres a crazed guy on the loose here who probably will try to kill me and here I am standing in the middle of the road, explaining to my not so dead best friend how I am basically useless and how we are stuck in 1994." I ranted off. Huffing out a sigh as Silas took my hands.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. Who knows if we'll even see this crazed psycho. Besides-" He grinned at me. "You've got me as your own personal crazed psycho." I let out a laugh as I shoved him a bit, continuing our walk to the Salvatore Boarding House. The one place that seemed to be like a sanctuary for now.

Flashback 20years or so ago-

"So you want my help?" I questioned the man in front of me. "To lock your son away?" I added with a incredulous look. Joshua sighs.

"I know how it sounds. Malachai is a monster. He is planning to kill his siblings." He tried to reason. I let out a humorless chuckle.

"Planning to kill his siblings and yet here you are, talking to me and leaving them alone with him.. Wow." I laughed, taking a sip of my herbal tea.

"Please. If we lock him away to a prison world, Josette will live and her younger siblings will merge when it's time. If we let Malachai merge with Josette, we will all die." I sighed.

"And what do I get from this exchange? I don't do anything for free, Mr.Parker." He looked at me shocked I was asking for something in exchange for helping him. What an asshole.

"What would you want?" I smiled at him, portraying that of an innocent woman.

"I want the ashes of Josette Parker-" His eyes narrowed, confused and anger. "Your wife."

"I can't do that." He argued.

"Then I suppose you don't need my help." I tsked, raising my teacup to my lips only for it to explode. Warm tea splashing onto my nice dress. "What a shame." I muttered under my breath, placing the teacup handle down gently onto the table. I looked up to make eye contact with the brave warlock. "You come into my house, Mr. Parker. Assume I will help you for free and blow up my favorite teacup. So please tell me why I shouldn't kill you slowly." I stated, clasping my hands together as I wait for his answer.

"Why do you want my wife's ashes?" He asked, his voice a bit choked up.

"That is my business and mine alone."

"Fine. you help me lock Malachai up, I'll get you my wife's ashes." He agreed. I smiled, standing up.


I went with Joshua to the woods outside his house. I could feel the eeriness of the area. Death soaked into the air. Joshua left for a moment, getting Josette to lure Malachai out. As soon as he came out to merge with his twin, the other people of the coven showed up.

"Shouldn't they be saying something?" He muttered, "Why aren't they saying anything?!" I could sense the anger in this young man. His eyes met mine as he looked around. Confusion hitting him as he didn't recognize me. Joshua stepped forward as I did as well. "What is this? Did they bring you here to kill me? Is that what you are here for!?" He snapped, marching up to me. I stood there calm as I grabbed his forearm, his eyes went from anger to fear as he tried to siphone from me only for it to burn his veins.

Joshua and I both started to chant, he used my blood on the ascendant, binding me to the spell. I release Malachai as a bright white light enveloped him, taking him with it as it fades. I turned to face Joshua only to see I was alone. Everyone of the Gemini Coven was gone. Leaving me in the woods alone. Even the house was gone. Stupid disappearing act.

Present Time-

"So you helped this Malachai's father lock his son away, making a deal with him only for him to pull a Houdini act on you?" Silas questioned. I nodded. We were sat in the parlor of the boarding house, he had a bourbon, while I had a tea I had to scrap together. Apparently the Salvatores weren't tea drinkers in the 90s. "Why did you need Josette's ashes?"

"It's common knowledge that your magic is seeped into your bones. Josette Parker, the original one, was a very powerful witch before she died from child birth."

"You were going to take her magic?" I nodded, taking a sip of the tea and grimacing. It was awful, but I didn't want blood or alcohol which is all they seemingly had.

"It's such a shame for it to just sit there in an urn on the mantel." I tsked. Silas chuckled at me.

"Did you ever find them?" I smirked at him, my eyes full of mischief. "Oh god, I actually feel bad for them." I chuckled as I prepared to go into another story.

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