Chapter IV: You're a Wizard Silas

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It's already been about a week of being trapped here. Shockingly enough, neither of them had seen Malachai yet. But he could be anywhere. Probably at his old house, reminiscing. I had felt some of my magic returning, but not enough to even levitate anything. But I was getting my energy back. Silas had gone to the store and found a few nice teas for me since he didn't know the first thing about looking for herbs.

"Rev!" I heard Silas shout from the other room. He sounded either panicked or shocked. I couldn't tell the difference. Getting up and abandoning my tea on the table, I ran to the parlor, Silas standing there staring at the lit fireplace.

"What is it?? Did Santa Claus try to come down the chimney or something?" I asked, a bit tired from the jog in here. My magic really needed to come back already. My body was acting like an unfit teenager. Silas turned to me, a huge shit eating grin on his lips. "Okay, seriously, what's wrong with you? You look like you just robbed a store or something which wouldn't make sense since there is no one here." Silas held up his hand, flames lighting on the tops of his fingers. My eyes widened as I looked at him. "Oh my god, Silas! You're a Wizard!!" I exclaimed making him laugh at my terrible reference.

"Isn't this amazing!? I have my magic still! I thought I would be human being a live again." He spoke with so much excitement.

"No, I didn't bring you back, so you wouldn't lose a part of yourself. If I would have brought you back then yeah, you would be completely human."

"Thank god that didn't happen. You two are awfully boring." I turned quickly at the voice, a man standing in the archway it his arms crossed. His eyes on me, trying to figure me out.

"Malachai." I breathed. A bit shocked that he was here now.

"Oh good! You know me. Makes sense since you look so familiar. Now why don't you tell me who you are while Wizard boy goes and gets a drink?" He walked over and sat at the chair near us, crossing his legs.

"Um- No?" Silas responded, looking shocked at this unmannered brat of a kid.

"You make a terrible host. Who are you? Her side kick? You have the whole side-kick look going for you. Like Robin from Batman."


"Please, call me Kai. Otherwise I might go all shabby over you. Would be a bad idea to kill the only other two people here." He ranted. I saw Silas roll his eyes, moving to attack the boy, but I stopped him. "Oh good! You're smart. So names. Or I'll give you some myself."

"I'm Revna and this is Silas." Kai made a face as if he was connecting the dots.

"Wait- Revna the original witch who is like super old? Man you aged nicely." He complimented, his eyes dragging down my body. Silas growling like a beast. "And Silas- That warlock that was cursed?"

"You've heard of us?" Silas questioned, a bit shocked this guy knew him.

"I'm a sociopath, not an idiot. I've read the books of the history of magic. Never thought I'd be in the presence of such greatness though." Kai moved his eyes back to me, his eyebrows knitted together. "I know you though. I remember seeing your face before.." He trailed off.

"Maybe I just have that kind of face?" I mocked. Kai jumped out of his seat, marching up to me.

"You helped my crazy father lock me away. You paralyzed me so I couldn't resist." He kept his hands away from me, remembering the burning feeling I had caused him all those years ago. "That really hurt, by the way. How did you do it?" He asked, looking honestly curious.

"Magic can't mix. I'm half traveler, half nature powered. My body was made from it, yours would literally melt from the inside out from it." I warned as he went to hold my hand, instantly lifting his hands up in surrender and backing away.

"I've seen him touch you though, yet he is still alive. You two a thing?" He asked, looking between Silas and I.

"Well I like him more than you. And not together, just friends." I told him as I walked around him to retrieve my tea.

"Oh? So I have a chance then?" Kai smirked. Silas snorted.

"Revna goes for people more in the thousand year age. You're like a literal baby compared to the men she's been with." Silas told him, walking away with me. Leaving Kai to sulk in front of the fireplace.

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