Chapter V: Mouse Trap

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It had been almost two weeks now. Kol had left the Salvatore boarding house to bring Klaus home. Elijah had gone silent for a while. Not making any random appearances for a while. But they knew he was still lurking, the dead body's popping up were the only hint they needed. Nobody left the house, afraid the original vampire would chop their head off or rip their throat out. An original with their switch off was more deadly than a normal Original.

Kol had enlisted Rebekah to help out. She was currently bringing the Gemini twins to the boarding house safely. They knew a few things about prison worlds and about Revna. They learned that Revna actually had participated in locking their older brother up after he slaughtered his family. After promising repeatedly that they wouldn't let him out, they had agreed to help.

The front door opening brought Stefan to look at the door, Kol stood there with his unconscious brother of a hybrid leaning against him.

"Mind getting Jeremy to invite him in? He's a bit heavy for a warlock." Kol complained. Jeremy came down and invited Klaus in. Damon and Stefan immediately moving to attach chains to him, chaining him up to the ceiling and floor. Slicing his skin to bleed him dry a bit. Vervain and Wolfsbane being injected into him to try and make sure he wouldn't be able to break free. Klaus hung there, covered in blood as he woke up. Lifting his head up to see the Scooby gang and his brother standing there. His eyes flashing yellow as he growled deeply.

 His eyes flashing yellow as he growled deeply

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"Niklaus, calm down. Is that anyway to treat your favorite brother?" Kol taunted. This just earned him another growl followed by a snarl. Klaus was starting to sound more rabid than human anymore. "Niklaus, seriously. Don't you want to hear how we found a way to get Revna back?" For a split second it had seemed like Klaus was interested, his eyes glossy and emotions nearly surfacing. But then Rebekah slammed the door open, two blondes following after her. This made Klaus jerk forward, hungry eyes staring at the twins.

"Is this him?" The female, Liv, asked, pointing her head towards Klaus.

"He doesn't seem he's human anymore." The male, Luke, spoke.

"My brother is just heartbroken and doesn't know how to adjust without daggering someone. So he's let his beast out for a little test drive. How pleasant. I'm Kol Mikaelson by the way."

"Olivia Parker, but I go by Liv. Where's the other lover boy? We need them both to be able to track her down. They were both bonded to her right?" Liv asked, looking around to see Elijah was not chained up as well.

"No, this is why we are making a bit of a mouse trap. Elijah will be the mouse." Kol smirked, his old self resurfacing for a bit.

"I'm Luke, but uh- Who's the bait?" Luke asked. A bit concerned that they had just volunteered.

"I am." Bonnie Bennett spoke up, stepping forward. "He wanted me for some reason, so I invite him in and Kol will aneurysm him."

"Pleasant." Liv muttered.


Bonnie was standing at the doorway, looking around. She knew Elijah was out there, she could sense him.

"Ms. Bennett. You're not waiting for me, are you?" Elijah asked, popping up right in front of the barrier causing her to flinch back. "If so, Sorry to keep you waiting. you see, I was chasing this little white rabbit only to find a couple doing the unthinkable in a public place. Unfortunately for them, they were punished by my hands." He chuckled. Elijah was still covered in blood, but this time he had lost his shirt. Blood caked over his chest and arms.

"You wanted to talk to me

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"You wanted to talk to me." Bonnie spoke up. Elijah tilted his head, placing his hand on the barrier before meeting her eyes. Swallowing hard, "Elijah, please come in." Bonnie invited, She was put on the deed next to Jeremy since she was a powerful witch and could protect herself pretty well. Elijah took a slow step forward as Bonnie stepped back. Looking up with a deadly smirk, Elijah took off as Bonnie ran away. Not even a moment later, Kol popped up behind Elijah, using a spell to snap his neck.

"And I thought I was the sociopath of the family." He muttered in annoyance.

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