Chapter XIII: Shots Fired

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Everyone that was in the boarding house had left, even Silas. I put up a barrier spell to keep Nik locked in after hearing how rabid he truly had turned. I sat down on the sofa as Elijah walked back in, standing near me as if to protect me. Like he knew something I didn't.

"Look who's back." Niklaus snarled as he walked into the parlor. His yellow eyes narrowed at me.

"Nik-" Nik growled, smacking a vase off the table he was near.

"You do NOT get to call me that!" He growled out, his fangs on full display. I flinched only the slightest which made Elijah step in front of me some more.

"Niklaus, calm down." Elijah spoke sternly. Nik snapped his teeth at his brother.

"How can you protect this whore?" He snapped at Elijah. My eyes moved to look at the floor. The word he had called me hitting me square in the chest. "Yeah- You stench of another man, but yet you come back to us now. Was he not good enough for you either? Left you unsatisfied?" Niklaus kept going.

"Niklaus-That is Enough." Elijah growled out. I shook my head, standing up.

"Let him go on, Elijah. At least he's showing some kind of emotion. Anger. Rage. Jealousy. At least I didn't give up hope. I never stopped trying to make it back here. If I could have turned it all off, I wouldn't have. I'm not some pathetic coward that can't handle my emotions. I-" A loud smack resounded through the room. Nik was thrown away from my instantly, being held against the wall by his throat. Elijah raging. My head was thrown to the side, shock filling me. Everything seemed to slow down at that moment. My hand moving to my cheek that was burning red from Nik's hand. He slapped me.  Niklaus Mikaelson slapped me. Tears brimming my eyes as the shock settled into pure anger and pain. Not pain from the stinging in my cheek, but pain from knowing the man I had feelings for would hit me. I looked up, seeing Elijah snarling at Klaus. But Klaus wasn't looking at his brother, his eyes were trained on me. Emotions coming to the surface as he stared at me in disbelief.

"I didn't-" I cut him off, raising my hand up.

"It doesn't matter. What's done is done. I slept with another man and you have made your opinion on the matter very clear." I told him calmly. "Elijah, release Klaus." Once this name left my lips, Niklaus looked broken. I had never called him that. Not once. Only Nik or Niklaus. Klaus was what people called him who thought he was a monster. Thoughts of whether I saw him as that running through his mind. Elijah slowly set his brother down, releasing his throat.

"Don't ever raise your hand to her, again." Elijah growled out, leaving his brother to go to my side.

"I'm going to- I want to go home now." I spoke, looking up at Elijah, my cheek blood red and stinging still. I saw Elijah's eyes staring at it. I could feel his anger at the situation. But he nodded, taking my hand as I quickly dropped the barrier. With that, we both left Niklaus there, staring off as we disappear.

 With that, we both left Niklaus there, staring off as we disappear

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