Chapter XVI: Monster

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A couple days go by since Elijah and I confessed our feelings for each other. He had to go deal with some problem in New Orleans. I was just getting home from having drinks with Silas at the Grill. Of course I had an ice tea, since I don't drink. Walking into the small house and sliding my jacket off. Going into my bedroom, I freeze, flipping the light switch on.

"Niklaus." I gasp, the feeling of panic leaving my body as I realize there wasn't just an intruder in my house. Nik looked up from his hands, eyes glossy as he sat on the edge of my bed. "What are you doing here in the dark?" I asked as I leaned against the doorframe.

"Do you think I'm a monster?" Nik asked. My heart sank into my stomach at the heartbroken look he was giving me.

"Oh Nik.." I whisper, walking towards him. I kneel down in front of him, taking his hands. "Nik- You are not a monster." I told him sternly. Rubbing his hands to try and sooth him. Nik shook his head, pulling his hands from me.

"I hit you, Revna." He stated. I shook my head, cupping his cheek so he would look at me.

"You didn't mean to, Nik. You had your humanity off-"

"Don't make excuses for me. I hit you. I called you a-" He inhaled sharply, trying to pull away from me.

"Nik, please don't be hard on yourself. You are not a monster. You were in a bad place. I hurt you-" Nik shook his head, grabbing my hand that was on his cheek.

"That's still no excuse. There are no excuses for raising my hand to you, or calling you that name." He told me, looking into my eyes, his hand leaving my hand to stroke the cheek he had struck. "You are not a whore, Revna." He whispered as my eyes closed at his touch.

"I know, Nik." I spoke as I reopened my eyes. "You had your humanity off. You had no emotions. It's not just an excuse." I told him.

"How can you be so calm and understanding with me?" Nik asked as he leaned towards me slightly.

"Because you've done nothing wrong." Nik scoffed at my sentence. I smiled as I sucked my bottom lip between my teeth. His eyes looking to them, his thumb moving to my lips and pulling my bottom lip out from my teeth. Tracing my lips afterwards. "Nik, I-" He cut me off, leaning in and pressing his lips to mine. Soft, warm and gentle. I couldn't help but melt against him, his fingers weaving into my hair as I moved closer to him.

"I'm wrong for you." Nik spoke against my lips, moving back to kiss me. I felt him moving and before I knew it he was kneeling on the floor with me, his arm wrapping around my back and pulling me to him. "I don't deserve you." He whispered, moving his lips from mine, dragging them to my jawline as his hand holds the back of my head as he lays me down onto the floor. Hovering over me as he left open mouth kisses to my skin.

"Nik-" I tried, but a short moan bubbled up my throat as he sucked on my neck softly.

"I love you, Revna. I shouldn't love you. You deserve someone so much better than me. You have my brother, he's good for you. But I can't help how I feel. I love you." He pressed a kiss to my lips. "God do I love you." I stared up at him, shocked. Nik's face fell at my silence. "I knew I should have kept it to myself- I shouldn't have come here-" He went to get off of me, but I quickly wrapped my arms around him, leaning up and kissing him hard.

"Nik, I love you too. Now stop talking." I mutter, pulling him back down, kissing him. Nik smiled against my lips, moving his hands to my hips, squeezing as he pulled them to meet his. I let a small giggle flood out of my mouth as I moved my lips against his, pressing my body into his.

Nik pulled back slightly, smiling at me. "Let me take you out, love." My eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"Out? Like...?" I trailed off, leaving an opening for him to jump in.

"Like a date. You deserve a date. You deserve so much." I let out breathy laugh. "I'm serious."

"You're not going to drop this are you?" He shook his head. I sigh and nod. "Fine. A date." He grinned, pressing a kiss to me before going to get off of me. I whined while trying to pull him back. "No! Where are you going?" Nik laughed.

"To plan our date. There'll be plenty of time for this afterwards." Nik got off of me, standing up and vamping out of here. I look around shocked.

"What the hell?" I laughed, throwing my hands around and laying back down on the floor.

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