Chapter III: Psychotic Break

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The Salvatore brothers were extremely worried. More than they were when the Travelers were planning to take over the world and kill them all. Niklaus had decided to leave town, having to make new hybrids since he went on a murdering spree and killed them all. Poor Tyler Lockwood was decapitated on his front porch for just looking the slightest bit annoyed at the original hybrid.

They had resorted to signing the house over to Jeremy, making it so only Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, Matt and the two brothers could enter. Elijah was the one they had feared right now. He had decided to stay behind. Killing whoever he pleased. They were surprised to see the Noble Original had turned to the ways of a ripper. Leaving bodys and heads in his wake.

Elena Gilbert had almost died trying to bring the Noble one back down. Bringing up Revna to him and how she wouldn't approve of his new way of living. All this did was make Elijah laugh as he charged at the doppleganger vampire. Nearly ripping her heart out if it wasn't for the Bennett witch being there to stop him with her magic.

Now they were all camping out at the Boarding house, trying to find a way to bring Revna back. That seemed to be the only key to bringing the two Originals back to the way they originally were. Bonnie was looking through the grimmore, trying to see if there was a way to speak to the dead. But it had seemed that there was no leads since the other side was destroyed.

The door was suddenly pulled from the hinges, bringing everyone's attention to the doorway. Elijah stood there on the porch. His suit jacket was missing leaving him with his white button up shirt that was splattered in blood and his sleeves rolled up. His normally well kept hair was ruffled and all over the place. A smirk on his face with blood dripping out of his mouth.

"So who do I need to kill to get in here?" He asked, his hand resting on the invisible force field.

"What do you need Elijah?" Elena asked bravely.

"I'd like to have a small chat with the witch." His eyes darted to Bonnie, tilting his head slightly with a smirk that said nothing good. "Won't you come out for a little discussion Ms. Bennett?"

"Yeah-Definitely not happening." Damon cut in, stepping in front of Bonnie. Elijah let out a chuckle.

"I'm not going to hurt her. Just a little discussion."

"More like a little snack." Caroline snipped. The girls all flinched as Elijah slammed his hands against the barrier. Growling as his fangs flashed at them.

"How's mommy sheriff, Ms. Forbes? Is she back at home? Alone... Hmm." With that he was gone. Caroline instantly went to the door, being grabbed by Damon.

"It's a trap. Your mother is home and safe. I've already warned her to stay home and not invite anyone in." He spoke softly, knowing that Caroline was freaking out.

"But Klaus has already been invited in, he can come back. What if Elijah calls him home?" Caroline cried.

"Klaus is currently in Utah following a lead on a pack of Werewolves. He's leaving a trail that is all over the news." Elena spoke up, holding her phone up to show the news article that was posted not even ten minutes ago. The article spoke of theory's of what was happening and telling everyone to stay in doors, thinking it was a wild animal running a muck.

"Well if Vampires were a secret before, people will surely know about us soon." Damon muttered, looking to his brother, Stefan, who was looking through books they had on different witches. "Have you found something brother?"

"Theres a Gemini Coven just outside of town..They are known for something called Prison worlds. Could Revna known about them?" Stefan questioned. They all jumped up, looking to see Kol Mikaelson walking into the boarding house.

"Way to go, Hero Hair. Now lets get this going so I don't have to play babysitter to my older brothers any longer."

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