Chapter X: The Ignoble Original Coward

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"She did the merge with Kai?!" Luka shouted as he and Liv both came back from their errands. "How is that even possible??"

"I don't know. I was walking around with her aimlessly when it felt like I was stuck in quicksand and she kept going!" Silas exclaimed, running his hand through his hair. "When I found her, Kai and her were merging and I was just in time to catch her."

"Did either of them wake up? How did you get her here?" Kol asked, lifting her eyelid to check her eyes.

"She woke up for a moment. She was like-glowing. It was weird and not witchy like. It happened so fast, she grabbed the ascendant from his body and did the spell and just collapsed again." Silas explained.

"So Kai is....dead?" Liv asked, shock flooding her facial expression.

"Yes. Malachai Parker is dead. But I don't think it's normal for her to be bleeding like this after winning some voodoo merge thing." Silas snapped. "So if you could please fix her. That'd be great. Thanks." Liv gave him a look, before standing up and walking over to the couch that Revna laid on.

"Is it true that she is half Traveler?" Luke asked, holding a book.

"Yeah- Her father was a traveler. Why? Does that matter?" Silas asked. Luke looked up from the book, eyes full of sorrow.

"The merge is about the merge of two souls. Bringing magic together and making one stronger." Luke started, rubbing his hand to his face as he sighs. "Kai would have died no matter what. His body cannot take in the traveler magic without melting his insides."

"Are you getting to what I think you are?" Kol spoke up. "That Kai's soul is being attacked by the traveler magic? Like a bad virus?" Luke sighed, nodding.

"What does this mean? Is she going to be okay?" Silas asked. Luke shrugged.

"Theres no telling."


Silas walked out of the room, not able to watch his best friend having the battle of a lifetime. Kol was taking time to wipe the blood from her face, even though it just kept coming back. She looked like she had the plague or something drastic. Which, Liv said Kai basically was like the Plague. Luke had gone off to call his family, letting them know what had happened.

Walking around the house, Silas had ended up in the living room, where Elijah was currently chained up.

"I thought you were dead?" Elijah spoke calmly. He was still covered in blood, although dried, from his last killing rampage. Silas looked at him, kind of shocked to see the Noble Original in chains.

"I was. Why are you in chains?" Silas asked, examining him. His eyes widened in realization. "Oh dear god, you are an idiot. You turned your humanity off?! Why the hell did you do that? I thought you were the smart one of the Mikaelsons." Elijah growled at the warlock.

"Watch how you speak to me." Silas rolled his eyes.

"What are you going to do? Snarl at me like a rabid dog? Oh wait no, your brother Klaus is the mutt. You are more like a hissing feral cat." Silas snapped. Elijah narrowed his eyes at him, breathing through his nose heavily. "Why did you do it?" Elijah tilted his head some.

"Do what?"

"Turn it off? Did it make it better? Do you feel less empty? I'm assuming you turned it off when you realized Revna was gone." Elijah hissed at Silas, just like the feral feline he had called him. "No, really. Are your emotions really gone? Do you not feel the emptiness in you? Your heart having that hole like being stabbed with one of those silver daggers? The pain that feels like ice running through your veins when you realize the woman you were falling for was gone. Not knowing if she was alive or going to come back." Elijah snapped his teeth at him, veins under his eyes. "She's back, you know. She's in the other room. Unconscious. Possibly dying. Fight a battle all on her own, while you are here. Chained up and acting like a crazed animal." Silas snapped, tears in his eyes. "What kind of man just gives up on a woman like that? You are not the Noble man that people have always called you. You are nothing short of a ignoble punk ass coward." Silas spat, before walking out of the room.

Elijah took a breath, the emotions flooding into him at the new information he was told. His eyes unfocused as he thought about what the warlock had just said. Revna was back. But what really hit him was the fact that she was in trouble.

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