Chapter XII: Home

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It felt like a battlefield was going on inside of me. My magic blasting at Kai, trying to remove the foreign person. I could feel Kai's anger, his sadness, his wish to fit in. He always claimed to have no emotions, yet here I was, feeling the dormant emotions he had.

"Thanks for signing for my release." I heard Kai's voice before he was gone. I was filled with relief, but also confusion. What did he mean? He had a plan this whole time. He knew he wasn't going to win. He knew my traveler magic would fight him with to much aggression. Realization ran through me. My body healing as it does. My immortality taking action. Prison world. It was created to keep Malachai Parker stuck in a time loop. Forever alone. Forever alive. Doing the merge there... Malachai Parker couldn't have died. If he did, I would know. The prison world would have collapsed. But it didn't. Merging has two possible outcomes for us, if we both lived. Outcome one. He has my blood. The dagger, I sliced my hand, we connected hands. He could get out of the Prison World with my blood now. That was unlikely. Outcome two. He's a siphone. He took a bit of my magic, knowing he couldn't die. He has traveler magic.

I snapped my eyes open, a deep breath entering my lungs as I did. Elijah Mikaelson was kneeling next to me, his warm hazel eyes staring down at me.

"Welcome back, Revna." He whispered, a soft smile spreading across his lips. I sat up slightly, wrapping my arms around him and bringing him down with me.

"Elijah.." I whispered, hugging him tightly as he wrapped his arms around me. His nose moving to my neck and nudging me.

"You were gone too long." He whispered against my neck, pressing a small kiss to my skin as he spoke. "Don't ever do that again." He ordered.

"I'm sorry, Elijah. I had no choice-" I tried, but Elijah let out a short growl.

"You always have a choice. I had found a way to transfer the anchor to another which would have stabilized the other side." He explained, pulling back from my neck to speak. I shook my head at him.

"I wouldn't have survived to go through that, Elijah. I did the only thing that would have worked. And now I have more problems to fix." I sighed. Elijah looked at me, confused.

"What problems? This Kai person is dead, you're alive. Silas is alive as well. The only problem we have is Niklaus-" I sat up, with the help of Elijah, his hand on my lower back to support me.

"What problem with Niklaus? What happened?"

"Niklaus is currently chained up and rabid, as Kol so kindly put it." Elijah said, rolling his eyes.

"Rabid?" I questioned, before putting two and two together. "He turned his humanity off??" This is when Silas decided to walk in.

"Revna! You're awake!" Silas exclaimed, running over to us. Elijah side stepped allowing Silas to hug me.

"Nik shut off his humanity?" I questioned again. Elijah was avoiding my eye contact. Silas pulled back, looking back at Elijah before back to me.

"Elijah did as well." Silas ratted out. I snapped my gaze to Elijah who was glaring at Silas.

"You did what? Why would you both do that?" Elijah sighed, looking at me.

"I didn't know if you were coming back. You had called to say goodbye."

"So you gave up on her." Silas snipped in. I shot him a look.

"I didn't give up on you. I broke. People break, Revna." Elijah explained. His eyes a bit glossy.

"I thought Original Vampires were invincible." Silas muttered.

"Silas. Leave." I ordered. He looked at me shocked, but sighed leaving the room. "Elijah-" I stood up, stumbling slightly only for Elijah to grab my hips, holding me up. "You had every right to break. But turning your humanity off was not the answer." Elijah bowed his head.

"I apologize." I chuckled at his over gentlemanly-ness.

"I'm sure you need to apologize to a lot of people, but for now go unchain your brother and have the others leave. We have a Hybrid to bring back." Elijah nodded, walking out of the room after pressing a long kiss to my cheek. I took a breath in, smiling. It was good to be home.

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