CHAPTER ELEVEN - June 2173 - Tripitar / Fermur / Kraptis

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CHAPTER ELEVENJune 2173Tripitar / Fermur / Kraptis


King Rahini sat in his throne, his chin touching his chest, rubbing his temple with one hand. His wife, Queen Shiriyo, hadn't left their private quarters since the alien takeover. His children all remained silent in their rooms.

"I haven't slept, Fasnidi," said the king. "I can't get the image out of my head. I can only imagine the damage it has done to my children — especially Roesibi."

"I sympathise, your majesty," said Fasnidi. "It was horrific."

King Rahini looked up and stared at his advisor. "How is exploding someone's head even possible?"

"I have no idea."

"We can't let them get away with this. There has to be some way to defeat them."

"We poured everything we had at him, your majesty. He was unstoppable. I feel the only course of action is to do what he asks of us."

"That is your advice. Roll over and let them take control of everything."

"If we want to live."

"Fine. We will toe the line for now. Buy some time. You're right. If we don't survive this then who will be left to fight back later."

"Wise, your majesty. Very wise."

"Did you not pick up your twin plotting against us? I thought you both knew what each other was thinking."

"I did not, your majesty. Jihaki has behaved normally. There were no signs. Besides, I don't get to see him often. He was always away on some mission or other."

The holoprojector started flashing. Fasnidi moved over to it. "It is Tor' Thrum, your majesty."

"You'd better answer it." The king waved his hand in a token dismissive gesture.

Fasnidi pressed a button before backing away a few paces. The blue, flickering of Tor' Thrum appeared.

"Hello again, King Rahini," said Tor' Thrum. "I trust you have slept well and are refreshed."

"Not really — no."

"I am sorry to hear that, but we must move on. My master wants you to blockade your StarGates. He also wants you to blockade the Fermur StarGate and send down troops to help take over the planet. It has all been arranged."

"Sorry. Am I hearing this correctly? You want us to invade Fermur," said the king.

"It is not invading. Once we have won the war, we will be legitimate governors. The Confederation will be dead."

"What happens if you don't win? The Confederation will destroy us for the invasion."

"Not possible. My master's rule is inevitable."

"I'm not so sure."

"Am I still detecting some defiance? Fasnidi — I do not have to come back, do I?"

"No. Everything will be fine."

"Good. Get it done." The holoprojector switched off.

King Rahini was staring at Fasnidi when he looked towards his king.

"Why was he talking directly to you just then?" asked the king.

"Was he?"

"He used your name. You answered him."

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