CHAPTER SEVEN - June 2173 - Varso / Solaris / Tranchilite

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CHAPTER SEVENJune 2173Varso / Solaris / Tranchilite


An unpainted transporter, which had been built to bring the volunteer close to the defensive outer layer of Varso's atmosphere, halted in the predetermined spot closest to the source microbot.

"Good luck out there," said Ans' Arum.

"Sal' Skit trained me well," said Jut' Jarum. "As long as Nil' Nurube's plan works, I will be fine."

"It is all still theory. We do not know for sure if this is going to work."

"I know that I may die up there, but it needs to be done. Just make sure that none of the tunnel switches back on while I am still amongst the microbots."

"We are in position, sir," said one of the technicians.

"See you when I get back," said Jut' Jarum.

"As I said. Good luck." Ans' Arum closed the airlock and watched as Jut' Jarum attached the metal suit he was wearing to the tunnel wall. He pressed a button on the control panel to his right and looked through the viewport again.

The tunnel started to extend towards the hostile environment in which the source microbot was located. The environment that used to protect them and enhance their abilities immensely, now imprisoned them and suppressed those same abilities.

The tunnel was close to the edge of the atmosphere when it stopped extending. It was at its maximum distance of one-thousand-five-hundred-meters. The scientists had calculated that the source microbot was one-thousand-two-hundred-meters inside. That left a three-hundred-meter safe zone for the transporter to operate in.

"Do you copy, Jut' Jarum?" asked Ans' Arum.


"Good. The tunnel has been isolated. There are no active circuits. Remember to switch off your comms. We will resume the approach in ten seconds."

"Okay. Switching off the comms. See you with the source soon."

The transporter moved slowly towards the deadly atmosphere. The pilot had the source microbot locked in his crosshairs and was concentrating on keeping the tunnel pointed towards it.

The tunnel entered the atmosphere and Jut' Jarum held his breath, half expecting to be fired upon. The tunnel continued its slow advance and the microbots ignored it.

So far so good, thought Jut' Jarum. It is working.

The microbots had been reprogrammed by a rogue varsoomian called Tor' Thrum. Their normal function was to protect Varso from unwanted hostile enemies. They also amplified the varsoomians abilities which allowed them to see all over the galaxy. Now, they were continuing to protect Varso, but with one significant difference. They now destroyed anything that got within range.

The theory that the microbots targeted energy fluctuations instead of motion was the basis on which this mission was based. If they were wrong, Jut' Jarum wouldn't survive.

Jut' Jarum was also entirely dependant on the pilot's skill to place him right next to the source microbot. He couldn't give any directions to help because that would mean switching his comms back on. With all the surrounding microbots continually scanning the area around him, that would be like sending out a flare saying, 'Come shoot me.'

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