CHAPTER THREE - June 2173 - Greko / Solaris

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June 2173

Greko / Solaris


Rebecca had hurried back to the Justice on her hoverbike after accepting the mission that Lhev JuQetaw, the king of Greko, had assigned her. She had secured the hoverbike in its place before settling in the cockpit. She had then flown to the last place that Liw OneThini, her target, had been seen. She had reached out with her mind to the surrounding area but there was no trace of Liw. Rebecca, feeling tired, had then landed the Justice and gone to sleep.

Now, eight hours into the next day, Rebecca felt refreshed. She had eaten some breakfast and meditated for twenty minutes and was now striding to the exit as she wrapped her cloak around her and pulled up the hood.

During her meditation, she had found signs of a camp two-hundred yards to the east of her ship. She walked over to the spot and crouched for a closer look. There were footprints in the sandy surface. She could make out at least three different sets of prints. She closed her eyes and concentrated.

Rebecca reached out with her mind again and focused on the footprints before rising above her position and searching for a direction. The footprints led to the north. She followed them with her mind for several miles until the trail ended. She zoomed in closer and probed the area. She found a tunnel leading below the surface to a cave. In the cave were seven grelites. Six of them asleep.

She returned her mind to the surface and searched for sentries. There were four. They would see any approach she made on foot or in a vehicle. She withdrew her mind and opened her eyes then stood up. Rebecca strode back to the Justice and straight to the cockpit.

Remaining cloaked, the Justice lifted off and flew straight to the unknowing grelites. Rebecca held it in a hover above her targets. "Justice. Hold station."

"Confirmed," said the Justice's computer.

Rebecca let go of the controls and left the cockpit, her cloak swirling around behind her as she hurried to the exit. She walked to the edge of the steps and looked down. One-hundred feet below was a grelite. He was hard to see as he blended in with his surroundings.

Rebecca stepped off the steps and slowed her fall with her telekinesis towards the unsuspecting grelite. Once she had closed the distance he seemed to become aware of her. He brought his weapon up and started looking around. She knew that nobody looks up. She sensed him become agitated.

Rebecca reached out and yanked his weapon from him before forcing him to the ground. She had to exert more force than usual as one of his arms started to rise from the ground. She landed next to his inert body and locked eyes with him. He was trying to speak but she had clamped his mouth shut.

Rebecca knelt beside him to reduce her profile in case one of the others happened to look their way. She closed her eyes and entered his mind. The grelite skull was the hardest one to penetrate which forced her to work a little harder. Once she got inside she put him to sleep then released her hold on him. She placed a hand on each limb in turn, securing him with ice.

Rebecca looked around and saw that the other three hadn't noticed anything. She moved over to the next one in a hover to reduce the chances of making a noise and attracting her target's attention. She grabbed him with her telekinesis and forced him to the floor while simultaneously clamping his mouth shut. She forced her way into his mind and put him to sleep before securing him to the floor.

Rebecca was halfway to her third target when a grelite emerged from the underground entrance and spotted her. She had been concentrating on the two remaining sentries and overlooked the cave entrance. She felt the new grelite's presence just before he shouted out a warning. Rebecca created a shield and propelled herself towards her target. All thoughts of stealth were now gone. Now she would have to fight.

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