CHAPTER TEN - June 2173 - Solaris / Tripitar

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CHAPTER TENJune 2173Solaris / Tripitar


Pach's new grelite starship, Bash's Vengeance, hovered above a hanger in a disused and remote landing strip. Pach had tracked Tor' Thrum's fighter to this area. There were no obvious signs of the fighter so, if his information was correct, it would be inside one of the docking bays.

"Sir," said Lhev SeHetash — his pilot. "I'm tracking an incoming vehicle. It's probably security."

"How long do we have?" asked Pach.

"Around two minutes."

"Is there anything in that bay?"

"Yes, sir. It could be the ship we're looking for. Most of the others have been empty."

"Okay. Land here. We'll have a look."

Bash's Vengeance hovered closer to the bay before settling on the ground.

"Daes — Lhev. Guard the ship. The rest of you — on me," commanded Pach.

They exited the ship and ran to the hanger.

"Jeth. Can you hack this door?"

"Hang on." Jeth OneThini held out his splicer and started scanning the control panel at the side of the door. "One second. Almost there. Got it!"

The hanger door began to roll upwards into the ceiling. They entered once the gap was large enough for them to get under.

"Spread out," ordered Pach. "Check everywhere. I'm going to the fighter."

His three squad mates moved off in different directions, searching for any possible enemy presence.

Pach looked at the ship. No obvious signs of damage, he thought. He surveyed the whole of the exterior before opening the access ramp.

As the ramp slowly lowered to the floor Pach thought, It still has power and there is no rust. This has to be the one. How can there be no damage? If this is the one, it's been through a gauntlet of fire.

Pach walked up the ramp and explored the inside. He entered the cockpit and looked around. I wonder. He powered up the flight controls. All the lights and dials lit up. He flicked several switches and pressed the start button.

As the engine spluttered to life, a series of warning lights and sirens began to warn him to shut it down. He switched off the engine and left the cockpit.

He saw two security guards — both of them, solarians — arguing with Spox BoThuxash as he walked down the ramp.

"What can I do for you?" asked Pach as he stepped onto the hanger floor.

"This is government property. You are trespassing. You are all under arrest." The guard was starting to look nervous as both Jeth and Xuzh were returning from their searches.

"I don't think so," said Pach. "But I don't wish to cause any trouble. I need to speak to someone in charge. Someone who can authorise our presence. Someone on the Confederation Council perhaps."

"You are in no position to make demands. You are all under arrest," repeated the guard.

Spox started laughing which caused both Jeth and Xuzh to join in. Spox controlled himself before saying, "Can I just kill them now, sir?"

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