CHAPTER SEVENTEEN - July 2173 - Kraptis / Ruse / Solaris

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CHAPTER SEVENTEENJuly 2173Kraptis / Ruse / Solaris


Rebecca's consciousness was above the city. She was looking down upon the battles that were now converging upon the palace. Her forces had closed around what was left of the king's army which was now surrounded. Soon, they would all be forced within the palace walls.

At last. We're now back to where I was before Tor' Thrum's interference, thought Rebecca. All this could have been avoided if he hadn't shown up.

She watched Miranda's growing band of resistance fighters continue to force the military backwards. She had Alexandr's forces to one side of her and Yu's to the other. Michael's forces were pushing forwards between Yu's and her own.

Rebecca sent a message out to her Paladins. It won't be long now. The king must surrender soon.

Yes, answered Miranda. Surely, he must realise that his position is undefendable now.

He'll keep fighting until the end, thought Alexandr.

No he won't, answered Yu. He'll give up once the battle reaches the palace.

We're not far away now, thought Michael. Yet he's still stubbornly fighting.

We'll keep pushing onwards until he either surrenders or takes his own life, thought Rebecca.

Oh no, thought Alexandr. My grelites are overstepping again. He left the conversation.

Everyone. Just concentrate on ending this battle as soon as possible, thought Rebecca.

She brought her consciousness back to herself and looked at the palace in the distance. She saw laser fire in every direction she looked. A large ball of superheated energy was hurtling towards her — boiling the water around it as it advanced.

Rebecca slowed it down with her telekinesis then surrounded it in ice and let it float safely to the surface.

"Everybody, advance!" she ordered before moving forwards again.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

King Puk Iko' Qukofo watched the images on his screen. The alien forces were getting closer. No matter how many soldiers he threw out there, he couldn't stop their advance. It was time to concede defeat. He opened a drawer in his desk and took out a gleaming golden dagger. He turned it over, admiring the polished blade reflecting the lights from his ceiling.

I might lose control of my planet, but I'll take one of them with me, he thought as he concealed the dagger in his robes.

His advisor, Kei Oeka' Kojaefi, swam over to him. "Your majesty. They are too powerful. We cannot defeat them. We must surrender."

"I agree. Send out the signal. Hopefully, Zeb' Zeptre will be able to help us later. For now, we must survive."

"As you wish, your majesty." Kei left the throne room.

King Puk swam over to a large window and looked upon the palace grounds. He watched two of his guards accept their new orders and hurry towards the palace entrance.

He closed his eyes.

Come and help us soon, Zeb' Zeptre. Come and help us soon.

He turned away from the window and swam over to his throne. He settled down to wait for the invaders arrival.

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