CHAPTER SIXTEEN - July 2173 - Solaris / Tranchilite

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CHAPTER SIXTEENJuly 2173Solaris / Tranchilite


Gesaek, the former head of the Confederation Council, looked on with growing frustration at the other council members in front of him.

"Come on, people. We must come up with something. This varsoomian must be removed from his position."

"You conceded control just like the rest of us," said Caeliri. "Besides, I can't reach my people. Communications have been blocked."

"Yesterday was survival," said Gesaek. "You saw what he did to the grelites."

"Precisely," said Ufeitvip Acvo'atoeb — who had already felt a small amount of the varsoomian's power. "Any move against them is futile. The grelites are one of the toughest species in our confederation."

"Says one of the confederation's weakest," said Katal — Gesaek's security guard. "What are you doing here anyway? You're not even on the council."

"Neither are you," answered Ufeitvip.

"Quiet — both of you," said Gesaek. "Councillor O'cvotey is feeling unwell and has sent his assistant in his place. Katal — you are here to observe and protect. Please refrain from further interruptions."

Katal nodded.

Caeliri was looking at the last council member in the room. "You are being quiet, Xuzh. I'd have thought you'd be up for some payback."

Xuzh PaGaresh, the grelite representative on the Confederation Council, stared at Caeliri. "I'm burning up with a passion to get revenge. But now is not the time. To strike out at Zeb' Zeptre now would be a death sentence or at least a humiliating defeat. We need to find out how to defeat them before we try."

"I'm surprised you're not dead already," said Caeliri. "After what he did to your people."

"I already attacked him. It did no good. He seems invulnerable."

"If you've already attacked him, why are you still breathing?"

"I don't know."

"It's to keep a grelite representative on the council," said Gesaek. "He'll be hoping to keep a link to them for some future plan."

"How do you know this?" asked Ufeitvip.

"I don't know this. It's a theory. Why keep any of us around?"

"It is the easiest option," said Caeliri. "We have our connections to our home worlds. He would have to start again if we were gone."

The door to the, supposedly, secure room slid open, causing them all to turn towards it in a panic.

"That is true," said Zeb' Zeptre. "But it would not be difficult to replace you all." He looked at the shocked faces in front of him. "Please continue your meeting. Do not let me stop you."

Gesaek was the first to recover. "To what do we owe this pleasure?" He noticed that Tor' Thrum had stopped by the entrance. How did they find us? This was supposed to be secure, he thought.

"None of your securities can stop us, Gesaek. I see everything. I know everything — well, almost everything. This is a hugely populated planet. It will take some time — but I am getting there."

Xuzh PaGaresh had remained seated and was looking at the table in front of him.

"Xuzh — my old friend. I must say I am surprised to see you here. I would have thought you had learned your lesson yesterday."

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