CHAPTER NINE - June 2173 - Greko / Moon

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CHAPTERNINEJune 2173Greko / Moon


King Lhev watched his enforcer's approach. He didn't seem to have changed. His stride was still confident. He still gave off an aura of command. Yet King Lhev's trust in him had been somewhat shaken recently. His defeat, losing two of his squad, on Osolieus had been disconcerting. His enforcer stopped and knelt at the foot of the stone steps leading up to the throne on which he sat.

"Rise, Pach. What news do you bring me?"

"The new squad has been assembled," said Pach. "Six in total this time, your majesty."

"I hope they're better than your last squad."

Pach tried to disguise his anger as he looked away.

"Am I wrong?" said the king.

"Your majesty. They were among the best. It was the unforeseen power of the enemy that defeated us last time."

"So, it will be different next time. Now you know your enemy. You do know your enemy now, I take it?"

"We have help now, your majesty."


"Yes. The human. She has the same powers as the varsoomians."

"We are grelites! We don't need help!"

Pach bowed his head. He still has no idea, he thought.

"Look at me."

Pach looked up.

"Show me this team."

Pach nodded then signalled towards the throne room entrance.

The guards opened the door and in marched five grelites. They marched up to the stone steps then knelt and bowed their heads before their king.

"Introduce them," ordered the king.

"Rise," ordered Pach.

They stood and stared directly ahead.

"The first you already know. Our pilot, Lhev SeHetash. The only survivor, besides myself, from the first encounter."

"Are you ready to face the varsoomian again?" asked the king.

"Yes, your majesty."

"Next is Spox BoThuxash. He is the elder brother of Bash. He is a direct replacement due to his similar skills of demolition."

"Are you ready, Spox?" asked the king.

"Yes, your majesty. Ready to kill the fucker."

"Why did you pick a relative, Pach?"

"He demanded to be in the team. Plus, his record speaks for itself, your majesty."

"Are you seeking revenge, Spox?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"It's good motivation."

"Next is Daes EieDepae," said Pach. "She came top of her class in hand-to-hand combat. Extremely fierce. Extremely capable."

"I know your ready, Daes. I saw you in training. Very impressive."

Daes remained silent and continued to focus straight ahead.

"Next is Jeth OneThini."

"Are you any relation to the traitor?" asked the king.

"He was my brother, your majesty."

GALAXY AT WAR - Book 5 - The Paladin KnightsWhere stories live. Discover now