CHAPTER EIGHTEEN - July 2173 - Ilumiumn / Solaris / Osolieus

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CHAPTER EIGHTEENJuly 2173Ilumiumn / Solaris / Osolieus


It had taken two days for Tor' Thrum to be satisfied that his forces could hold Ruse for his master. In those two days he had shown a little of his power and made numerous examples of what defiance would bring.

Zeb' Zeptre must have been watching somehow as he had been recalled from Ruse and sent straight here, to Ilumiumn, as soon as matters had looked settled.

He had spent several hours on board the solarian battlecruiser Thumadium — watching the commander's strategy play out. There had been one particular area where the solarians didn't seem to be making sufficient progress and Tor' Thrum — feeling bored and itching to get involved — had taken it upon himself to help his master's forces.

Tor' Thrum floated down the rear ramp of his fighter and out into the early morning sunshine of Ilumiumn. The ramp closed and he floated towards the commanding officer's tent.

"Who are you?"

Tor' Thrum looked at the soldier, waiting for a few seconds before he answered. "I am Tor' Thrum. I am here to see your C.O."

"Wait here. I will announce your presence."

Tor' Thrum used his telekinesis to throw the guard away and entered the tent. He saw the commander — along with seven other officers all gathered around a table upon which a large map of the surrounding area was projected.

They all looked around at his intrusion.

The nearest two guards moved towards him as they raised their weapons.

"Stop!" commanded the C.O. "Let him pass."

Tor' Thrum continued towards the C.O.

"Lord Thrum. It is a pleasure to finally meet you," said Major Imaeasnak.

"And you are?"

"Major Imaeasnak. I instigated the takeover under Lord Zeptre's orders."

"Emperor Zeptre," said Tor' Thrum.

"Sorry, Lord Thrum." The major bowed his head.

"You do not seem to have made much progress."

Major Imaeasnak stiffened at the comment. "We have made a lot of progress."

"Are we standing in the presidential office?"

"No, sir."

"Tripitar, Fermer, Solaris and Ruse have all been taken. I am here to ensure that Ilumiumn is next. I was led to believe that you were close. Was your last report a lie?"

"No, my lord. But we did get forced back just after we sent that report."

"Tell me what happened."

"We were approaching Ilis — the capital city..."

"Yes, yes — I know that. Tell me what happened to make you retreat."

The major nodded and barely hid a frown. "Air support came to their rescue."

"How is that possible? Standard operating procedure is to take out air support before a ground assault is initiated."

"We did. Air support came from the Vernadas."

"The Vernadas! I thought they were the enemies of this government."

"They are. Were. I don't know. There has been no official statement from them. They just showed up."

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