this is very complicated

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the Budget Mount Everest on my sofa had lots of clothes for me to wear, but i took two hours taking out every single piece, even swimwear, to decide what to wear to falsettos! after googling random shiz i simply gave up, closed my eyes and picked out jeans and a decent looking blouse (cliché i know but it's 1am and the author has lost her sanity)

armed with my trusty plus-sized sharpie (america is great/j) i brisk-walked to the theatres! i confidently strode to the stage door and stood in front of it. what the hell was i meant to do? knock? say some secret code? start expecting some crazy man with a cape to lure me into his lair? i decided to wait until 4.49pm and then knock.

just as my fist was about to smack the door, it creaked open an inch. a nose poked out of the door and an awful-sounding nasally voice screeched, "the welcome mat is on the floor!" the door then slammed shut.

i was now ✨very✨confused. was this some sort of prank? i tentatively knocked on the door. "i already said the stupid mat is on the floor! now get in before people think i'm handing out free popcorn." startled, i yanked open the door and stood face to face with brandon.

"hi there, that was simply a safety precaution to make sure that you are not jonathon groff, because andrew borrowed five bucks from him yesterday and groff charges interest so we avoid him! can i get you a cup of tea?"

i blinked. then said yes. because this is broadway and i already knew that broadway is batty. brandon hustled off and i hesitantly followed. "i don't believe we've really introduced ourselves properly, im brandon uranowitz, i'm 31 years old, i used to choreograph hip hop dances, i'm a cancer, and i'm gay! how about you?" well that was fast.

"hey mr uranowitz! my name is harper, i'm 21 years old, i uh used to take art lessons when i was 6, i'm also a cancer!"

"THAT MEANS YOU QUALIFY TO BE MY NEW BESTIE. WELCOME TO THE CLUB HARPER," brandon screeched while throwing a pack of green tea at me. i caught it and followed him up a set of stairs.

"mr uranowitz?" "call me brandon bestie." "uh sure, brandon where are we heading to?" brandon merely beamed and beckoned me forward. "we're going to meet the rest of the cast!" a portion of my fragile heart just evaporated. this is it!

we stopped in front of a dressing room, with a plaque that proudly proclaimed ANDREW RANNELLS. below the plaque however, was a post it, with the words "from omaha, nebraska" scrawled onto it. i snickered. suddenly brandon knitted his eyebrows together. "harper, do you hear that?" i leaned closer and listened. it seemed that there was a noise coming from the dressing room itself. it sounded like a rhythmic thumping and slapping that sounded like nothing i had heard before. "uh oh." brandon sighed. "brandon, is that the sound of- " "i told him not to do it here!" brandon fumed for a second, then flung open the door. i braced myself for the worst.

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