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"harper, over here!" anthony waved frantically from a door at the back of the theatre. i rushed up to him. "that. was. absolutely. incredible!" anthony blushed. "well thank you very much! it was a pleasure."

that talented little bean.

we walked backstage while chatting about the different scenes in the musical. finally, we stopped at andrew's dressing room once again. however, before we could knock on the door, andrew burst out, sprinting down the hallway with a pair of brown pants pressed to his chest.

"what the- "

anthony merely sighed and miserably said, "not again."

tracie pursued andrew's trail, screaming.

"for the last time rannells, we can't bring the costumes home! you're going to be arrested for stealing."

from afar, andrew distantly yelled back.

"but they're comfy!"

anthony slapped a hand to his forehead. moments later, christian came into view dragging a whining andrew back to his dressing room.

"we're going to have to restrain you the next time you attempt to nab clothes from the theatre."


betsy raised an eyebrow. "like whizzer!"

that. did not have to hit so hard.

andrew looked at me and grinned. "harper! i see that you sat next to my mom, excuse her if she said anything about me."

ahem. you mean. pokémon live? sorry james 🥰

stephanie emerged clad in a turtleneck. "hey harper! did you enjoy the show? i saw you!"

you mean you saw me weeping uncontrollably.

"absolutely loved all of you, the show was phenomenal!"

christian smiled. "glad you enjoyed it! we're going to head down to the stage door, let's go!" this day kept getting better and better. andrew forlornly gave his pants one last look then trooped down with the rest of us to the stage door. the corridors were lined with a few pages of fan art which looked really cool. i suddenly found an intriguing wall which was lined with pages of plain text. looking closer, i found out that they were fanfics that had been printed out and pasted onto the wall. my eyes widened with pure horror as i saw a mendel x dirt fanfic. "is this what i think it is- "

anthony averted his eyes. stephanie explained, "well sOmeone decided to score the internet for all the fanfics about falsettos and pin them up here. so now we're forced to read them all." christian chucked. "we've read all of them, from the purest and fluffiest ones to the er." "not very family-friendly ones," andrew piped up.

wow. i definitely did not need to know that.

we passed by The Wall of Absolute Horror and made our way to the stage door. tracie said, "so right now we'll go and meet the mobs of fans demanding signatures, then we'll say bye from there!" i was kind of disappointed that the day had to end but nonetheless, it had been the best day of my life. betsy opened the door and a gust of wind literally threw her backwards. christian's hair was blown back so much to the extent that i could see his hairline and he looked almost bald. (haha see what i did there) i peeked outside and not a soul was to be seen. it was pouring really heavily and the wind was so strong that it was raining sideways. betsy slammed the door shut and breathlessly announced that stagedooring was not going to happen.

i sighed. "well i guess we'll have to part here then." i opened the door, ready to put my hood on and dash to a taxi stand. just then, large hailstones the size of anthony's head started dropping down from the sky. a hand grabbed my hood and pulled me back while closing the door. i was left facing the seven of them sheepishly.

"um, you definitely cannot go back to your place in that shitstorm," andrew muttered. i started to panic. they could leave me to rot in the basement for all i knew.

anthony put an arm around me. "i guess we could wait the storm out with you." the cast was nodding assent. just then, stephanie's phone buzzed. she looked at the screen and gasped. "the storm is going to last overnight." i winced. what was i going to do?

as if he had read my mind, brandon spoke up, "well we all definitely can't head out of the theatre tonight, so i say we have a sleepover!" my jaw dropped. he has got to be kidding, right?

tracie shrugged and said, "i don't see why not. it's warm in here and i think they keep sleeping bags somewhere around."

no. way. this is going to be one hell of a night.

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