i. cafe crush

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Halo! Your author here. This AU does not have magic or trollhunting, enjoy!


It was a sunny morning in Arcadia Oaks, the wind pushed against my face as I rode on my bike. My friends recommended this cafe, called Mr Benoits Bistro. Usually I wasn't a morning person, but I decided it wouldn't hurt to get up a little early for some morning coffee.


I locked my bike then headed over to the nearest open table outside. My friends were right, this place was pretty cute. I picked up the menu and opened it up. A cheese danish and a cappuccino sounded pretty good.

Then from the corner of my eye I saw a hint of indigo. I froze and peered from the side of my menu.


It was my crush, Douxie Casperan. And now I knew he worked here.

Suddenly I was very aware of how my hair and clothes looked. Hopefully he wouldn't come here, I was not mentally prepared to talk to him, he doesn't even know I exist. I think.

Fan-fucking-tastic, now he was heading over to take my order. I unconsciously straightened my back. He was now only a few feet away, okay, act normal, say a greeting.

Douxie stood in front of me with a pad and pen in hand.

"Hullo." I managed.

He laughed a bit, "Well, 'hullo' to you too."

Dang, his laugh is so cute.

He continued, "I'm-"

"I know who you are." I blurted out, "Douxie Casperan. We go to the same school."

He suddenly looked very uncomfortable, "Oh, um, you're..."

I tried not to look hurt and tried for a smile instead, extending my hand out, "(y/n)."

He shook it briefly, "Okay then, y/n, what would you like to order?"

I stared blankly at him, he said my name I thought, he said my fucking name.

He snapped his fingers in front of my face, "Hello?"

"Oh! Sorry." I said, "Okay, I'll take a cappuccino and a cheese danish." 

He scribbled it all down, "And that would be all?"

"Yes, thank you."

"Of course." He turned around to leave then glanced awkwardly back at me, "See you in school then?"

I smiled, genuinely this time, "See you in school."

Once he left I slumped in relief, I kept replaying the whole scene in my mind. Was I happy that I finally talked to him or was I disappointed that our first conversation was me taking an order? I decided just to be happy on the fact that he would probably acknowledge me in school now.

After I finished my danish I got up and moved towards my bike. I unlocked it and kicked the stand up. I felt a light tap on my shoulder that made me jolt in surprise.

I whipped my head around to see myself face to face with Douxie again.

He gave me an apologetic smile, "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you, anyways you're friends with Claire right?"

I almost frowned at that, did he want my friends number or something? What if he likes her? I dismissed that thought, don't be selfish.

"Yes." I replied slowly.

"Great! Anyways I already invited her to come to the Battle of the Bands, here." he handed me a flyer, "I don't know if she told you already but it would be nice if you can come, you don't have to perform, just watch me perform."

Butterflies fluttered in my stomach, Douxie, the boy I liked was inviting me to watch him perform.

I gripped the flyer, "Thanks, I like music, I think I'll come."

"Alright then, I have to get going." he gestured to the waiting table.

"Bye." I said.

He gave me a brief wave then returned to taking orders. This was a dream come true, and my chance to get closer to him. I couldn't wait to tell Claire the good news.


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