iv. cafe crush

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I put away my phone, kind of disturbed by the fact that Claire was watching us.

I realized that Brixton and Douxie were already getting up and pushing the chairs in.

"Alright, I'll go by car, sorry (y/n), I can't drive you, somebody's gonna have to take the bike back and I don't have a bike rack." said Brixton.

"Yeah, sure." I said not sure what else to say.

"Actually," Douxie rubbed the nape of his neck, "I have a bike rack still on my car, I'm too lazy to take it down. So if you want me to drive you..."

I smiled at that, "That would be great, thanks."


We reached my house really quickly by car, I saw my parents van so I knew they were back.

I opened the door and Douxie helped me get my bike down. He walked with me to the open garage where I parked my bike.

"See you in school then?" he said with an impish grin.

"Yeah, thanks for the ride."

"Anytime, (y/n)."

He turned and moved toward his car. I stood watching, debating. This was my chance. But I turned and moved toward the door handle. Then I heard the car revving.

Screw it.

"Douxie! Wait!"

He rolled down the window with a little bit of confusion, "Did you leave something?"

I took a deep breath, "Will you- will you go on a date with me?"

His eyes widened, "(y/n)..."

"It's okay if you say no," my words jumbled over each other, "I just thought we could go to the movies, and-"

"(y/n)." he said.

I stopped talking immediately, my heart stuck in my throat.

He smirked, "When?"

"We'll work it out over phone?" I squeaked.

"Done deal." He drove away leaving me breathless.


My fingers drummed on the kitchen counter, I pulled at the hem of my dress. Did he forget? I fretted.

There was a knock on the door.

I immediately jumped up and swung it open. Douxie stood there wearing his regular clothes but I don't care.

He grinned, "Who'd you dress up for?"

I blushed at his teasing, "Lets go."

He held out his arm and I took it, "To the movies?" he asked.

"To the movies." I confirmed.

The ride there took longer than expected but we still made it in time. Despite Claire's nagging for me to watch a horror movie, I picked a Marvel one. I wasn't about to jump on Douxie while watching something scary. It's too cliche.

I took a seat first while he went to get popcorn. I have a sudden suspicion someone is watching, I turned around to see Claire and Jim.

Claire waved and Jim scolded her. I rolled my eyes, Claire always seemed to know where I was.

Douxie took a seat beside me and handed me the popcorn. Just in time, the movie started.


"(y/n)." I heard Douxie's faint voice.

"(y/n)." there is gentle nudging and I slowly blinked trying to remember where I was.

Oh, crap.

I sat up from Douxie's shoulder blushing furiously, "I fell asleep didn't I?"

He chuckled, "Didn't want to wake you up."

I look at the big screen and it's already playing the credits.

"C'mon." he said, "Let's get out of here."

I grabbed my jacket and we head out. He led me to his car and he started the engine.

"So." he said while pulling out of the parking lot, "Did you enjoy the movie?"

"Very funny. I was asleep. What about you?"

He blushed, "I was too busy watching you."

That was supposed to sound creepy and stalker-ish but I didn't mind. But I couldn't find myself forming words.

He parked the car by my house and helped me out.

"I had fun, (y/n), really."

"Thanks." I said, "It means a lot to me."

We stand there awkwardly until I turn away toward the door. But this time Douxie grabbed my hand and held me back.

He pulled me close, "(y/n) will you be my girlfriend?"

It feels as though an elephant rammed into me and knocked all of my breath out. When I don't answer he started talking again.

"I know that we have know each other for, like a week, but there is an undeniable feeling I have for you. The moment we met at the cafe. Talk to me (y/n)."

I find my voice again, "Yes. Yes yes yes yes yes." 

He broke into a smile and pulled me closer than ever before until our lips touch and I hold onto him like he is my lifeline.

When we break away his eyes bore into mine, "I love you (y/n)"

"And I love you."

We kiss again and the world faded to a blur.


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