iii. cafe crush

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Throughout Douxie's performance I felt a little jelly watching him sing with another girl with hot pink pixie cut hair. But it soon all dissolved when he winked at me after Señor Uhl announced that Ash Dispersal Pattern were the winners.

Brixton got up to congratulate him and I followed, glad to have a reason to go and see him. He was talking with that girl again but immediately stopped to say hi with us.

"Congrats!" Brixton said waving his hands in the air.

They continued to have a conversation while the girl with pink hair glared at me with such an intensity.

I forced a smile, "Hi, I'm (y/n)."

I extended a hand although I really didn't want to.

She reluctantly shook it, "I'm Zoe."

"I see you guys have met!" Douxie said either ignoring or not seeing the tension between us.

Zoe immediately put on a sugary sweet smile that made me want to kick her, then proceeded to link her arm through his, "Say Douxie, do you wanna go grab some bubble tea?"

I noticed with a hint of satisfaction that he looked a little uncomfortable.

He rubbed the nape of his neck, "Sorry Zoe but I gotta head to Mr.Benoits again."

She pouted, "Can't you skip work?"

"I really can't Zoe."

"Fine." she growled then she spun on her heel and left.

Douxie sighed in relief.

"She's a handful." Brixton commented, "If you weren't lying about the part where you said you had to go to work then come with me and my sis to hang out at that Cafe."

"Unfortunately I wasn't lying, but we can do it tomorrow?" Douxie glanced at me.

"That would be great." I said.

"I don't know what time you guys-"

Brixton interrupted, "How about I give (y/n) your number? It would be easier that way in case anything comes up before the supposed time."

I perked up at the idea, mentally making a note to thank my beloved smartass brother later.

"Sure." he said, "Anyways I really gotta leave now, see you guys tomorrow?"

We waved as he left then we walked towards Brixton's car.

I took a deep breath, "ThankyouIoweyou."

Brixton cupped a hand around his ear while flashing a lopsided smile, "Sorry what?"

"Thank. You. I. Owe. You." I said through my teeth.

He laughed, "I'll take you up on that one."

I looked at my brother as he whistled, so carefree and happy go lucky. But as I've heard, the prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets. I wondered what Brixton actually felt and if his smile was just a facade. But I doubted it, my brother was born this way, sometimes I pretended to hate him but he always was my shoulder to lean on. I smiled fondly at him and he gave me a confused look as we climbed in the car.

"What's that unfamiliar look on your face sister?"

"I really don't wanna say."


I got up at around nine in the morning, me and Douxie already made plans and I was to meet him in an hour.

I dressed quickly and tried not to be picky about it, but what can I say? I ended up in my (y/f/o) and then I quickly descended the stairs where I was expecting to see Brixton in the kitchen.

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