iii. how to woo douxie casperan

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Do something he thinks is attractive. What does she want me to do? 'Accidentally' show my shoulder?

Aja looks at me with puzzlement, "Is that a sign that you are hungry?"

I didn't realize that I was biting my nails, "Oh, uh, I'm just nervous, about something..."

"Do we have a problem back there?" Ms. Valdez asks, raising an eyebrow.

"No profesora." we both say in unison.

Ms. Valdez sniffs, "Good."

And she continues to write down the Spanish words on the whiteboard.

"I don't have any advice for that kind of stuff, if you're talking about the message Angelique sent you about doin- mmmph!"

I cover her mouth and shush her, "We don't need the whole class to know, okay? Your whispering is too loud."

Aja nods her head vigorously, "Mmokay."

I nod once then I slowly withdraw my hand. Aja may have just given me an idea, I need advice. The problem is the only person with that type of advice is Mary. And Mary is, well, Mary. She'll probably sigh and go off on telling stories about how she wooed a couple of guys. My next option is probably Claire or Angelique, but they are both pretty intent on making sure that I should try to win Douxie without their help. (It's called being independent, Claire had said, seek advice but don't expect people to actually help you do it.) Aside from Angelique's texts, she won't help me execute them.

I sigh, I guess I'm on my own. I better make something up quick.


Yesterday, Angelique had her friend come over to my house and help me. It was very unexpected. Angelique had texted that she could help me but she knew someone who was better at makeup. That was Angelique's way of saying she didn't want to help me.

Unfortunately my phone was dead when she texted, so when a girl with choppy chestnut brown hair showed up at my door I was completely unprepared. But it worked out in the end. Angelique's friend is named Piper, even with choppy hair she looks fashionable. She's a Cherokee girl with a great sense of fashion and makeup.

So today when I walked into school, everyone gaped at me. I liked it even better when I walked into science class.

I step in, golden earrings adorning my ears. My hair is neat for once. Piper made sure not to use too much make up, so my eyelashes have minimal mascara and my cheekbones are lightly dusted with blush. My eyelids are accented with a bit of golden dust. Piper also made my wardrobe work.

I wear beige hiking boots, ripped jeans and a white t-shirt with a low v-neck. My parka is unzipped but I don't care about the cold.

Douxie gapes at me and I smile at him.

"Y-you look amazing, (y/n)."

Despite the bravado I was feeling earlier, I blush, suddenly feeling a bit embarrassed, "Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself."

I sit down feeling more accomplished (Even though Piper did most of the work.) than I ever have felt in my life.

I look down at my phone quickly as it vibrates.

I sigh in relief, this should be easy, right? I'm pretty sure I've already done this

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I sigh in relief, this should be easy, right? I'm pretty sure I've already done this.

I sigh in relief, this should be easy, right? I'm pretty sure I've already done this

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Ah, shit.


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