v. how to woo douxie casperan

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A/N ~ Please don't be offended about the insults on Liam or Zoe's hair color. It's just my way of showing how much (y/n) hates them.


Douxie grips my hand tighter as time crawls by. The park is bright, sunny, and definitely sweat-inducing but we are fine on the bench underneath the shade of one of the many great oaks.

I control my blushing well this time. But I still can't control my erratic heartbeat though. I have to get used to holding his hand without dying of a heart attack if we're going to do this.

Douxie looks absolutely nervous and I have to speak up to remind him for the umpteenth time to relax. "Loosen up, Doux."

He sighs, disappointed with himself. "Sorry, (y/n). Maybe we shouldn't do this."

I immediately snap my gaze toward him. "If your ex is looking to make you jealous, this is the best way to retaliate." I lean back. "But it's your choice."

He stays quiet and in his seat so I take it as a silent agreement. Suddenly his grip on my left hand is crushing. "She's here," he whispers fiercely.

"How did you know she was going to be here anyways?" I ask quietly.

"It's the first place she goes whenever she's back from vacation." Then he is bitter. "Also the place we broke up."

Our eyes follow that mop of bright pink hair that is hard to not notice. Next to her, there is a boy with red hair. But his hair is a rusty, muddied red color. That must be Liam. I feel a sudden surge of anger toward these strangers I have never met. Once we meet, they can also meet my fists.

"(y/n)," Douxie murmurs, seeing my balled fists and white knuckles. "Let's just leave."

Too late. Pinky Pie spots us. I remember to relax and pretend that I'm having a good time. Which isn't too hard, I enjoy the feel of his fingers interlaced in mine.

We lapse into easy conversation as Zoe bitch approaches us with a reluctant carrot-top on her heels. I glance up as she finally reaches us, and I pretend to be surprised. Her blue eyes are awfully plain. They're especially ugly when she eyes me with a disgusted kind of look before plastering on a fake smile.

"Hello, Douxie, how have you been?" she asks, completely ignoring my presence. Liam stands by her side like an obedient little dog.

My fake-boyfriend answers with a strained smile. "Good, Zoe."

I squeeze his hand once and he immediately remembers. "Oh, and I want you to meet someone." Douxie smiles again as he gazes at me and my breathing momentarily stops. This time, the smile is genuine. "This is (y/n), my amazing girlfriend. (y/n), this is my old friend, Zoe."

Her lips purses at me as I extend a hand. "Hello, Zoe! I don't think Douxie has ever mentioned you before. I guess we'll get to know each other now!"

Zoe's already thin lips presses even tighter together until it looks like someone has drawn a single line for her mouth using a pink colored pencil. I'm quite good at these subtle insults or backhanded compliments. "I guess so," she says.

Then I pretend to perk up. "We should go on a double date!"

"Sure," Liam answers when Zoe wouldn't.

I send a dazzling smile his way that seems to stun him. Douxie's eyes tighten. "How about Mr. Benoits Bistro at eight tomorrow night?" I proposed.

I see Zoe try to subtly elbow him but he replies and agrees anyways. "Sounds good. See you guys there."

I honestly think this guy is plain. But his facial features are pretty handsome, I guess I could see why a shallow person like her went after him. 

Once they leave, Douxie speaks up quietly. "She wasn't always like this, (y/n). I remember before we even dated, we were good friends. And I knew she wasn't faking it then cuz' I had no other friends back then. Not even Liam. She was bright and had a great sense of humor. Feisty sometimes."

"You have to forget about the past, Romeo," I tell him. "I'm not telling you to just push those memories away. I'm just saying you have to remember that she's not that person anymore."

"Of course," he murmurs, "you're right."

Douxie abruptly gets up but his hand still grasps mine. "Need a ride home?"

"Don't be silly, you were my ride here. Would you have made me use an Uber?"

"I'm just being a gentleman." He grins and I'm so glad to see it again.

"Let's get going," I say before I get up and we walk toward his car. Holding hands all the way. This may be a fake relationship, but it feels plenty real to me.


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