ii. how to woo douxie casperan

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I take a deep breath, shouldn't be too hard, just lift up the edges of my mouth. I look in the mirror and immediately look away. That's what Angelique meant about looking like a congested rat.

I whip around almost expecting the insufferable girl to be there but she isn't

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I whip around almost expecting the insufferable girl to be there but she isn't. I sigh, she always seems to know what I'm was doing. Sometimes it's a good thing, but 98% percent of the time? It's just plain embarrassing. Those texts would always start out like 'Are you really doing blah blah blah' or 'Why are you doing blah blah blah' or in this case, 'Stop doing blah blah blah'.

I don't have time to type a retort back because I'm pretty late for school already. I swing my backpack over my shoulder and head out into the winter snow.


The weather is as torturous as ever and I pull my hood tighter over my face. When I finally get to class my fingers are rendered useless, considering that I forgot to wear mittens.

Chemistry is my new favorite class. Not because of the subject, and definitely not because of Ms. Vartena either. (Ms. Vartena is a spawn from hell.)

No, I like this class because today Ms. Vartena switched around lab partners for the rest of the school year, and Douxie is my Lab partner.

I seriously was about to say the Lord's Prayer.

We take our seats in the freezing classroom, everyone shivering except for me, because for me, the sun is already shining.

Douxie looks at me with recognition and smiles, "Hullo, partner."

Oh, this is easy, I smile back, genuinely without even trying. It makes his smile grow bigger. Angelique was right, I shouldn't try too hard.

We settle down. Throughout the rest of the lab I was blushing internally. Then the bell rang.

Angelique came to me after class while I was putting away my Chemistry notebook.

"You did great!" she says beaming with pride.

"Thanks." I say.

My phone pings and I tap on the message.

I look up and gape at her, confused at how she typed so fast

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I look up and gape at her, confused at how she typed so fast. But she just winks at me and says, "At lunch today."

I walk into History in a daze until the realization strikes. Douxie will be there, somehow she got the star wide-receiver to sit with us. Well Jason will certainly not be happy.


My fingers drum on the table, anxiously.

"Calm down, he's coming." Claire teases.

"You know that's not what I'm worried about." I say.

Angelique slides in the seat next to me, Jason sitting beside her, "Well the (y/n) I know is headstrong and can do anything when she puts her mind to it."

She looks at Jason, "Right?"

"Yes." Jason mumbles, "I just don't understand why he has to sit with us during lunch for (y/n) to have a convo with him."

As the two banter playfully, I watched them, barely noticing that Claire gave up her seat beside me for Douxie.


I whirl around to be face to face to him.

"Hey." I manage to say.

Darcy kicks me under the table, her way of saying to speak up and talk more. And then the rest of the group goes on to ignore us and pretend we aren't there. No more help from here.

Luckily I remember that Douxie had a football game last night. Unluckily I don't know a lot of football talk but I say something about it anyways.

"How was the game last night?"

He perks up, "Great! We won by far, 32-14, the Phoenixes didn't stand a chance."

"Bet they were real surprised and ashamed that they lost to the Arcadia Oaks Moles." I say with a bit of amusement.

"Yeah." he says, chuckling, "Sometimes I wish we had a better mascot."

"Hey!" Darci says.

"I don't mean you, Darci, you make a great mascot, just wished that it wasn't a mole." Douxie says, smiling.

"Anyways, " he gazes at me, "don't you play Volleyball?"

"Oh." I say, feeling embarrassed as my ears turned red, "Used to."

Douxie frowns, "Did they kick you off? I heard you were good, that's what Angelique said anyways-"

I cut him off, "No no no, I quitted."


I lean back a bit, "I never really had enough time."

He bit into his sandwich, "Yeah, I can relate, I always have to make time somehow for football. I'm quite surprised I haven't been kicked off the team yet from all those practices I miss."

Jason smirks, "I'm surprised too."

As Jason and Douxie argue and insult each other I look at my black haired friend, seeking for approval.

Angelique just smirks, her dark brown eyes twinkling.

My phone pings:

I look back up, trying to plead with her for more baby steps but she's already gone

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I look back up, trying to plead with her for more baby steps but she's already gone.

"C'mon." Aja says pulling me up, "The bell just rang."


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