ii. cafe crush

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I know that when they go in the Battle of the Bands and that's when the Eternal night war happens but just a reminder that troll hunters do not exist in this one-shot!


I sighed at her warning

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I sighed at her warning. I turned down Claire's offer to join her band like a week ago and I didn't really think wether or not I was going to the contest but now the decision was already permanently imprinted in my mind.

And I was going today, the Battle of the Bands was going to start in around an hour. I was dressed in my favorite jeans and a nice comfortable (y/f/c) t-shirt. I put my phone into my jeans pocket. I should leave now.

My parents were out on another business trip so it was just me and my not-so-little brother, Brixton. 16 and still acts like an annoying little brat. I was older than him by 2 months.

I slung my drawstring bag over my shoulder praying my brother wouldn't see me. I sighed in relief the moment my hand touched the handle.

"Going somewhere?"

I winced, I celebrated too soon. I slowly turned around and saw Brixton biting into an apple.

"Just going for a jog." I lied.

He raised an eyebrow, "In those clothes beloved sister?"

I crossed my arms, "Where I go doesn't matter, it's none of your business."

"Ah, but it is our parents and as your brother I have to make sure you're not going anywhere like a strip club."

"Brixton!" I scolded, "Fine, I'm just going to this competition called Battle of the Bands. It's an annual Arcadia Oaks thing."

"You could have just said so." he said.


He looked at me closer and I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks.

Then he leaned back smirking, "It's about Douxie isn't it?"

"So what if it is?" I snapped.

He threw his half eaten apple into the trash can and I rolled my eyes at his antics.

"I'm going too." he said.

I gritted my teeth, there was nothing I could do about it of course, "Fine."

I moved towards my bike but Brixton stopped me.

He twirled his car keys and flashed me another annoying smile, "I'm driving us."

I groaned, two months younger than me but he was the one with the driving license. He was never going to stop pushing that in my face. Nevertheless I was grateful I didn't have to bike all the way there.

He started the engine of his Honda Civic Sport and backed out of our garage door and drove down the street.

"Do you know where it is?" I asked.

"Yea." he said waving the flyer in my face and not taking his eyes off the road.

"How did you- you know what, never mind."

I leaned back on the carseat. My brother was popular and apparently handsome. Sometimes I envy him, because he gets along with people so easily and charms every girl in a ten-foot radius without even trying.

We soon approached the town square surrounded by trees. There were bleachers set up and a stage with the Battle of the Bands sign in the background drop.

"Looks kinda depressing." Brixton commented as he exited the car.

"That's because it hasn't started yet."

When we were about to enter the bleachers I saw Douxie approaching us, hands in his pockets. I stiffened up and Brixton slapped my back before greeting Douxie.

"Hey!" Douxie said as they pound hugged.

"So you're performing?" Brixton asked.

"Yea." Douxie noticed me standing behind my brother, "Hey (y/n)!"

He extended a hand and I slapped it but he probably thought it was a hand shake so he grabbed my hand during the process and we ended up laughing awkwardly when he let go. I looked away when I felt my cheeks heat up.

Brixton smirked his annoying smirk again, "You guys know each other?"

"We met at the cafe I work at." Douxie said, "Wait, so you guys are siblings?"

"Unfortunately." I said.

Brixton flashed a bright and blinding smile, "Don't be that way sister." Sometimes I wished there was a warning label on his teeth saying something like Warning! Permanent blindness may occur!

Douxie chuckled, "Well nice seeing you two but I gotta go help my crew get ready." He then smirked himself, "I think I'll win again this year, don't you think darling?"

It took me a moment to realize that he was talking to me, "Y-Yes" I stuttered but he was already gone.

Brixton heaved a big dramatic sigh, "You're a mess sister."

"Wow." I said sarcastically, "I didn't know that."

We took a seat and I saw Aja and Krel step up onto the stage. This performance, I knew would be an interesting one.


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