viii. how to woo douxie casperan

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It's hard to tell if me and Douxie are still a fake- no, a pretend couple. With summer here, we never had to keep up the facade since it was only needed in school. It's been a month since I last saw him. I can't stop dreaming about his smile.

The raging rainstorm outside is so very nice.

A steamy mug of lavender tea is cupped between my hands and I sit outside underneath the cover of the patio roof. The sound of rain soothes me and I feel awfully relaxed. I close my eyes, enjoying the serenity of the moment.


I sigh contently. I hear Douxie's voice everywhere nowadays. I'm just that desperate I suppose.


I frown and my eyes snap open. There, drenched from the rain is the most handsome boy in my world. Douxie Casperan.

I gasp. Douxie shakes his head and the water droplets fall from his raven hair. His mouth is pressed in a resolved line and he's blushing madly. My head turns to the side to see his shiny Honda parked along the sidewalk near my house. How did I not hear that?

My mouth falls open dumbly as I stare at him. "Douxie?"

When he says my name, it's a breathless whisper. "(y/n) my beloved. I can't deny it any longer."

My heart is beating like crazy and I stand up. "I-I don't-"

Douxie continues fervently. "Angelique told me I should start dropping hints and making implications. I'm not that patient." He takes a deep breath. "I'm feeling bold and when I do this, you have every right to push me away."

Douxie takes a step towards me. "Do you understand?"

My mind is still addled with confusion and childish hope. But I nod anyways because I trust him.

He smiles. "Good."

Douxie slides closer and my heartbeat seems to increase with each step he makes. Now he's right in front of me. So close, I can smell his warm breath. He's hesitating, I can tell. But I'm not sure why. I've never been good at reading people as good as Angelique can.

He grabs my hips and that elicits another small gasp from me.

"Damn it," he whispers.

Douxie tilts his head down to place his lips on mine. I'm overwhelmed, and unsure, and elated, and confused.

But I'm sure as hell not mad. It only takes me a second to return it. My feet tip up a bit to better reach him and my hands slip into his hair.

Douxie becomes more willing with his kiss as I return it. Our moment lasts at least a minute before we part. His hazel eyes bore into mine as he pulls out the bouquet of lilies he was hiding behind his back. "(y/n) (y/l/n). I love you."

I'm so heady from our kiss and it feels like a drug I've parted from for so long. But I still manage to answer. "I love you too, Douxie."

A grin breaks out on his face and it's the most amazing thing I've ever seen. He says breathlessly, "Angelique is a goddess to have seen that we should love each other."

He was damn right. Angelique had just elevated from my best friend to a saint or a goddess in my mind.

I tip my forehead forward so that it rests on his. "Stay with me," I say.

"Forever and ever," Douxie replies.



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