ii. mephit disaster

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@mincraftxox_meh please enjoy the last part of mephit disaster :)


Silence hung around us like heavy fog, suffocating and so very present.

What the hell was I thinking, kissing Douxie Casperan? Especially after what just happened? I should go dig my grave now.

But I don't of course. Instead, I keep myself walking.

I kept my eyes continually on the ground below my feet. Bits of broken concrete were kicked and leaves crackled under the soles of my shoes.

Biting my lip, I tried not to sigh.

"We're here," Douxie said suddenly.

I looked up and saw the park, illuminated only by a few street lamps. Douxie's cat, the talking one named Archie, went ahead, disappearing into some bushes.

I opened my mouth to question but Douxie preempted me.

"He's just going to hunt." Douxie tried for a smile. "Even magical familiars have to eat."

"I see," I murmured, not questioning his terminology of "familiars".

We took a seat on the nearest bench, its black paint peeling quite badly. Douxie sat down first, making me the one to choose how close we sa. I silently cursed and robotically sat down a respectful one foot away.

Douxie was the first to speak again. "I'm sorry Y/n, I didn't mean to drag you into this, I understand why you're upset, even angry—"

I let out a small bark of surprise, cutting him off. "What? No, no, I'm not mad or upset. Not at you anyways. It's just... it's really awkward after what I did. I'm the one who is sorry, Douxie."

I forced myself to turn and look at him. Douxie's eyes met mine as I spoke, "I am sorry for just kissing you like that. It was really brash of me."

He gave me a small smile. "It's okay, really."

We were unconsciously leaning too close to each other again.

I immediately leaned back and Douxie did the same, clearing his throat noisily.

"So," I prompted. "Tell me about this other side of your life."

He slouched back against the bench, his finger tapping his chin thoughtfully. "Hmmm, where to begin..."


Despite the multiple times I gasped, or even felt tempted to run away, I kept myself rooted to the spot and tried to be a good listener.

It was a lot of information to take in.

But in the shortest summary, Douxie was almost a millennia old. He was Merlin's (the supposedly mythical wizard) apprentice. He fought in a war side by side with King Arthur (yes, that King Arthur with his sword Excalibur) back then against trolls, who, by the way freaking live under us. And his wizard master hadn't contacted him in quite some time so now he went around keeping Arcadia safe in the night like Batman (if Batman had a cat sidekick and magical powers).

When Douxie finished, his hands wrung together as he regarded me cautiously, like he was afraid I might break. "So? Do you feel like running away? Are you okay?"

"Yep," I said simply. 

Douxie let out a sigh of relief. "I understand it's a lot to take in, but I'm glad you're taking it so well—"

"For both questions."


"But I'm not going to run away for now."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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