vii. how to woo douxie casperan

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A month had passed. Zoe had left long ago but me and (y/n) kept up the boyfriend and girlfriend cover. We didn't exactly discuss it. It was just that neither of us had suggested to break it up. And we were still close.

I look through the photos of me and her on my phone for the umpteenth, and I can't help thinking. Not close enough.

My eyebrows pull together and I test out those words that have been echoing in my head for such a long time.

"I like (y/n)," I breathed.

I've reached that epiphany the moment Zoe officially stepped out of my life. When we were laughing on the way home from our first double date with Zoe and Liam. She'd almost choked on her giggles and I had to suppress my own mirth so I could focus on the road.

But I couldn't focus. My eyes kept straying to her. I wanted to be closer. And when I almost ran a red light, she shouted at me. I had stomped on the brakes and we stared at the cars that zoomed pass in front of us. The cars that would have hit us if she hadn't shouted out.

Then she made some kind of strangled noise in the back of her throat. And she bursted into another fit of chortles. I got angry.

I almost killed her and she was laughing it off. My hands had clenched the steering wheel so hard, my knuckles were bone-white. If I had killed her... I would have never, ever, forgiven myself.

When she realized that I was glaring hard at the road before us, she immediately sobered. (y/n) placed her hand on mine and whispered reassuring words. I stole another glance at her, and the genuine concern in her eyes was what made my breath steal away.

Then that was when I realized I liked her. No, I loved her.

I squeeze my eyes shut for a moment then pocket my phone. Once my hands are free, I use them to massage my temples. How in the bloody hell do I tell her with the risk of losing what we already have?

I'm afraid to ask her out.

My right hand brushes my phone again as I consider texting Angelique. She would know what to do. She knows (y/n) the best. Maybe it would be faster if I call her though.

So I take out my phone again and tap on her number. The phone rings for at least five seconds before she picks it up. But it's not her.

"What the hell do you want with my girlfriend?" Jason growls through the line.

I roll my eyes. Jason is a good guy. Basically oozing with valiance. But he's a menace when it comes to me.

"Nothing that you need to know about," I drawl.

He's silent. Then I hear Angelique's familiar voice. "Jason! Give me my phone."

I hear his small huff of annoyance before he acquiesces to her.

"Thank you," she says to him with a hint of sarcasm before speaking to me. "What do you need, Doux?"

I can basically hear Jason still lingering by.

"Um, it's something personal. Can you-?"

"Sure," she says cutting me off, already knowing I want privacy.

I hear her footfalls down the staircase and out her door. "Well?" Angelique asks.

I take a deep breath and I'm about to decide to tell her it's about (y/n) when I remember she will probably tell (y/n) if I tell her that I like (y/n).

Angelique hears my hesitation and reads me easily enough. She's great at reading people. Even over the phone. (y/n) even told me the one time Angelique seemed to know what she was doing even though she was in her own home alone. Angelique's not like that in a stalker way, though, (y/n) had told me. She just has really good intuition and reading people skills.

"I won't tell anyone," Angelique promises. Then she adds in a sly voice. "Especially, if it about (y/n)."

I groan. "You..."

"Seriously, Douxie, spit it out," she mutters.

I run a hand through my hair. "Okay." I take another deep inhale. "I like (y/n)."

Angelique laughs with amusement. "I knew it!"

"Wait," I frown. "Do you know how she feels about me?"

"Sorry, Doux, but that would be violating girl code."

"Okay," I sigh. "Do you have any advice?"

She thinks about it for a moment. "Well, you should approach her the way you feel is the best. Just approach her in a different way than you usually do. Something that implies more intimacy."

I feel taken aback. "I-I'm sorry. Intimacy?"

"Not in that way, you dirty dunce," she says.

"Why do you use British slangs when you're Vietnamese?" I ask.

"Why not?" she asks in an even voice. "I find the slangs funnay." She pronounced "funny" in a British accent and I snorted with amusement.

"Okay," I say. "I'll take your advice. Thanks Angelique. I shouldn't keep you away from your golden boy any longer."

I can hear the displeased tone in her voice. "You guys should really try to get along. I have a good feeling you and Jason would be great friends."

I tilt my head. "I'll think about that, too. Have a good day."

"You too."

She hangs up and I put my phone away. 

I think about (y/n). Time to be brave.


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