i. in the past

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Halo! Your author here and as you can tell, I haven't updated in a long time. Inspiration just struck me so here's the plan for this short story. It's going to be a UnseelieFaerie!Y/N x Past-Douxie. I'm too lazy to write about Archie by the way. And you're going to be older by a little bit and a bit taller. Lastly, this will be set in Camelot, but the Unseelie court is going to be located deep in the forest and enchanted so that no human may find it. Anyways, enjoy!

(Y/N)'s POV

"Dark faerie my ass," I grumbled to myself as I strode briskly past the stone statues of my mother's victims, and the water fountain overflowing with muddy blue water. Guards stepped aside to make room as I continued to storm toward the towering obsidian gates.

"Your Highness!" cried Silva, my advisor. "You mustn't go out again, your mother—"

I whipped around for one moment to give Silva a withering glare. "My mother will have to deal with it." As I turned back around to go on with my path, I muttered to myself, "It'll do good for her to know there's at least one person she can't control."

Silva was stuttering and practically hyperventilating. "B-but—just don't go near the humans again, Your Highness!"

I scoffed. That's exactly where I'm going.

The darkness in the gloomy woods fed my even darker soul, empowering me to run faster

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The darkness in the gloomy woods fed my even darker soul, empowering me to run faster. I didn't dare use my wings, as flying through the trees could be damaging to them. Flying above trees can't be an option with humans lurking everywhere; I would be shot out of the sky. Today, my wings were tucked in my dress, hidden from view.

I hated being an Unseelie. Seelie fairies were better, but they still had as many flaws as Unseelie. Mainly, being arrogant and self-important. I just wanted to be... human.

I made the mistake of telling my mother that once, and I regretted it for the rest of my life. Now— since I'm older—I wasn't as afraid of her as I used to be. But still afraid enough to run to the human world to escape listening to her.

Another reason I was running to Camelot was because it was the only place I could pretend to be someone I'm not. And, I was looking forward to "running into" a certain someone. A boy with raven hair and bright hazel eyes, a goofy grin that never seems to leave my mind.

The first time I saw him, he was doing a little crowd trick on that knight, Galahad. It had impressed the Great Merlin, and he became the wizard's apprentice. Seeing him again would be dangerous, as he was more skilled in magic now and who knows what he might see in me? But that wouldn't be a problem. I only ever watched from afar. He's quite amusing to watch.

Finally, I reached the stone arch bridge that stretched all the way to the stone walls.

I lifted the black hood of my cloak over my head. I spun a simple charming spell in my mind as I approached the two guards guarding the large black gate.

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