i. mephit disaster

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hello! author here, i am currently taking a break from writing "in the past" to write a request! it's my first request actually so i'm quite excited to present this :)

thank you @mincraftxox_meh for being the first reader to request a douxie one-shot

this au does in fact include magic and slightly follows the plot of the first episode of "wizards", which is named "spellbound"


The first thing my mother made me do when I turned sixteen was find a job.

I always dreaded the day she'd make me work for pay and then have me pay for all of my own necessities. Fortunately, I found Mr. Benoits Bistro, a place with an amazing manager and a more than exceptional salary. Not to mention my handsome as hell co-worker.

Douxie Casperan.

The man of every Arcadia High girl's wet dreams. And if I were to admit, mine.

Not that I'd ever say it out loud.

Someone popped their head outside the door to the back patio, where I was sitting for my break.

"Hey," Logan said, his thumb thrusting back toward the inside of the Bistro. "We're closing up."

I quickly wrapped up the remnants of my sandwich in the foil it came with and threw it into the trash can. "I'm coming."

Logan held the door open for me and I smiled as a way of saying thanks. As I headed to the front of Mr. Benoit's, I saw Douxie wave at the last diner who was taking his bag of food out to-go. Douxie closed the door and flipped the sign. My heart jumped when Douxie gave me a grin as he glanced at me.

"Listen," said Logan, directing my attention back to him, "I really got to head home, I hate to ask this of you guys but do you mind cleaning up for me?

He winced at another message he just received. "My mom's not happy because I—"

"Hey." I clapped a hand on his shoulder. "We got it."

Logan breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks Y/n, I owe you one."

Douxie cleared his throat.

"Both of you guys," he quickly amended.

Logan grabbed his stuff and he was out.

I sighed while Douxie grabbed the broom before leaning slightly on it. "I'll get to the floors and you can be in charge of the tables, love." He flashed another white smile.

"I do suppose seniority gets the privilege to choose," I teased. "Even though you've only worked here a month longer."

"Less talking more cleaning!" shouted our manager, Garrett. "I don't pay for you two to flirt!"

"Yes sir," we answered in unison, ignoring his flirting comment.

Douxie tilted his head forward a bit before cupping the side of his mouth with his right hand, as if telling a secret. "He's just mad that his girlfriend broke up with him."

"I hear you, Casperan," Garrett grumbled. He was a grumpy guy. But his heart has always been in the right place.

We both laughed and set to work.

It took us about twenty minutes longer than it should have with Logan, but we got it done and that was what mattered. In the back of the Bistro we collected our belongings.

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