Through The Forest

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3rd POV:

Pushing through the forest, Izuku kept his guard up in the event that he encountered any other unknown creatures that didn't exist on earth but so far he had been lucky in not coming across anything but his luck wasn't good in regards to finding somewhere to sleep for the night though since the sun was nearly down over the horizon and it was getting darker and darker as the minutes went by. Izuku was silently cursing his luck as the darkness was growing more and more before he was forced to make the decision of sleeping out in the open in the forest itself. However, knowing what dangers lurk in this forest meant that he couldn't sleep right on the ground either so he looked up above him and leaned down as he powered up One For All a bit before jumping up and grabbing a hold of one of the large tree branches while clenching his teeth slightly due to the pain his bruised arms were in. One thing that Izuku did notice in this forest area that he was in was that the tree were not the average trees that you would find back on earth but instead they were far thicker in size which meant they were large enough for Izuku to rest on without fear of the branch breaking under his weight.

Now though Izuku just had to be worried about rolling off the branch itself and falling to the ground to his death while he slept but it was a risk he was going to have to take since he couldn't risk sleeping out on the open ground. As such, with the night fully upon him he rested against the trunk of the tree with the branch under him and closed his eyes as he prayed to wake up the next morning. As Izuku slept he thought he was hearing voices in his dreams which in fact turned out to be the past users of One For All trying to reach out to him as he could only make out a few words. The words were random but overall Izuku believed he had a general idea of what the words all meant as he received the following words; Weak, energy, time, suppressed, grow, stronger. Now this could be taken in many different ways but with what knowledge Izuku currently had he believed that the past users were trying to convey the fact that the quirk had lost energy and grown weaker so they needed time to grow stronger and no longer be suppressed from talking to him like before. 

As the dream came to an end, Izuku found himself waking up to the sun raising in the air on the opposite side from where it went down the night before. 'So far it seems similar to earth's day and night cycle so the basic science knowledge from earth should likely apply in this world.' Izuku thought as he knew he needed to learn as much of his current worlds inner workings as best as he could if he wanted to survive and the basics of day and night would be good to have since it would give him a rough idea of how long a day is on this plant compared to earth. Pushing himself up, Izuku looked around the base of the tree trunk as his stomach hurt a bit due to the lack of food and water since he didn't have much before the final battle back in his old world. Nor has Izuku had anything since his arrival here due to trying to find somewhere to sleep but now it was starting to come back and bite him in the butt as he would start running out of energy more and more unless he got something to eat. 'Need to find something to eat even if it's disgusting...' Izuku thought as he dropped down to the ground and started to make way towards the same direction he was heading last night. Shaking his head slightly as he made his way further down the mountain and deeper into the forest, Izuku hoped that he decided on the correct path to get him to somewhere better as he had no idea of which way was north or any other direction. He could only help he wasn't wondering into some vast unexplored forest and would find some sort of civilization.

After about what he assumed was two hours of walking, Izuku had gathered several different things on his path through the forest. One thing was a very strong and sturdy stick which Izuku had used a rock to sharpen one end of to turn it into a basic wooden spear. The other thing was some berries that he had found or what he is assuming is berries! Overall, it hasn't killed him yet nor did it kill the small animal that he had fed it to in hopes of seeing if it was lethal or not since animals would know the local food sources better and avoid things that could kill them. The small rabbit creature that had a horn on it didn't die from the berries looking food so he had hoped the biology of the creature didn't give it immunity to any toxins so he decided to try the said berries and they had tasted great. As such, a small source of food was acquired to at least give himself some energy and make his track through the forest easier. However, Izuku's luck wasn't all that it was cut out to be because in the words of Aizawa-sensei, Izuku Midoriya was a trouble magnet! 

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