Adventurer Task: Goblin Suppression?

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3rd POV:

Walking down the road, Izuku kept his eye out for his marker that he had placed at the end of the tracking mission but he was also keeping a track on the time it took him to walk from the town so he knew the marker should be around them somewhere in the next few yards or so. Coming on a small incline, Izuku spotted his throwing knife that he had left as a marker buried half way into the ground so he raised his hand up in the air for everyone to come to a stop. All three of the squad leaders came up to Izuku when he raised his hand as Izuku started to speak. "We will be heading into the forest from here on out. I left this marker when I hit the road once I came out during the tracking mission." Izuku said as he grabbed the throwing knife and placed it inside of his weapons bag. The squad leaders nodded their heads and informed the members of their groups of the plan to exit off the road. After about five minutes of making sure everyone was up to speed the adventures begun their track into the forest.

Once they entered the woods they all knew to be more careful of their surroundings since even if you are in a area that is deemed safe or relativity safe it doesn't mean something hasn't changed as mankind didn't own the woods. No, the monsters owned the woods and it was a constant struggle to keep the monsters in check every single day which is why the pay for adventures was so good if you knew what you were doing and could survive doing the job. As they walked through the forest, Izuku no longer stayed further out or in the front of the group since it was meant to be just a straight shot from where they entered to the goblin lair so Izuku decided to lower his guard a bit and moved to the center of his group.

As they were walking through the forest, they encounter an assortment of different monsters that some members killed but none of them were monsters that had any open subjugations out on them so they were worthless outside of raw materials. However, no one wanted to carry the bodies of the monsters to the goblin lair and then back plus the smell of blood would likely alert goblins that were a part of the lair of their presence. As such, even considering taking the bodies of the dead monsters wasn't something that could even happen during this mission anyway. Izuku though wasn't really focused on the monsters since he was near the middle of the group. Instead, he just kept his eyes open on the path in front of him as he knew they were getting closer and closer to their target.

About an hour later from what Izuku could guess on the changes in the sun's position, the guild master raised his hands signaling for everyone to come to a stop. "We're about half an hour or so from the lair's estimated location. We will be taking a break for 30 minutes so eat and drink but not too much that you make yourself sick during a fight. Remember, we don't know if there is a goblin king or not but we do know that there had been multiple Hobgoblins present before one was killed during the tracking mission." Stated the guild master without yelling since he didn't want to attract the attention of any monsters nearby. Everyone broke out into small groups as they sat down and relaxed a bit but still kept up some form of awareness around themselves in case a stray monster found them which would need to be dealt with quickly.

Izuku was sitting up against a tree near the back of the group as he ate some of his jerky he had bought that morning from the market. Looking around at all of the different members he could clearly see the differences in adventurers that had gathered. There were those that clearly had a lot of experience compared to those that were fresher like he was himself but he had noticed a difference in fighting types as well. There were those that Izuku would describe as if they came out of a video game as he could see the range fighters like archers, some people that clearly were very close combat with small weapons like a short sword or those that were more like himself with larger swords. 'If I didn't know that this wasn't a game I would think we are all cosplaying a D&D game from the pre-quirk era back home...' Izuku thought as really the only thing missing was a full blown mage but those were rare just like true master swordsman that could use Aether were. While Izuku was sitting, he could hear some talking to his side where three men were sitting down at in a small circle.

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