Evil's Last Laugh

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3rd POV:

The sound of his own breathing echoed inside of his ears as it downed out all of the other sounds across the battlefield and he only felt his own heart pounding inside of his chest due to the adrenaline that was coursing through his veins. This was what Izuku Midoriya the 9th user of One For All felt as he stood with his hand held high above him in the air just as his predecessor All Might had done at the end of the Kamino Incident. However, unlike All Might's fight which ended with the defeat of a supervillain, Izuku's fight ended with the death of the supervillain known as All For One and the capture of Tomura Shigaraki who was the vessel of All For One due to the passing of the All For One quirk which allowed the villain to control his apprentice. The destruction from the fight between the two sides was down right devastating but in the end Izuku 'Deku' Midoriya had come out on top with the assistance of his friends and other heroes of Japan which brought a small smile to Izuku's face as he lowered his hand and started to calm his beating heart down since the battle was now over. However, fate has never been easy on Izuku Midoriya as he was once again destined for a dramatic change as evil always wanted the last laugh!

As the pounding of his heart and breathing came to a steady pace, Izuku could now hear his mentor and all of his friends from UA coming towards him to help him since he had suffered a lot of wounds from the final battle. Turning his head towards the sounds of his friends calling out for him, Izuku allowed his smile to grow a bit wider until a sense of dread washed over his body. Turning his head, Izuku looked towards where the feeling of dread was coming from and found that the villain known as All For One was not as dead as he had believed which made Izuku try to stand up only to fall to his knees due to the lack of energy.  "Do you ever die?" Izuku shouted out with some anger in his voice at the complete disbelief that All For One had survived everything that was thrown at him only to get a response from the previously thought dead man. "I am indeed dying but I shall have the last laugh 9th!" All For One said as he lifted his hand and aimed it at Izuku Midoriya. All the heroes around tried to rush towards All For One in an attempt to stop the man but it was far to late and they were too far away from the center of the battle to do anything in time as All For One launched his final attack.

The quirk that All For One had used was one of his least used quirks as the exact details of the quirk remained a unknown factor to even himself even though he has tested it over the years. The only thing All For One knew about the quirk he had just used was that it opened a portal and sent whatever he targeted into it never to be seen again. He had tested it multiple times over the decades since he had obtained the quirk and no matter what and how he tested it, he could never recover or locate where the objects he sent into the portal went to as such in a final move he decided to send Izuku Midoriya into the portal to be lost in the unknown destination of where the portal would send the boy. The portal opened up right next to Izuku and begun to suck him into it even though he tried to hold on until someone could save him but in the end he didn't have the strength left to hold onto the ground which resulted in him falling into the portal with a scream ripping out of his throat for all of his allies and friends to hear. With this, Izuku 'Deku' Midoriya had vanished from the battlefield and his scream was the last thing everyone heard from him before the choking laugh of All For One spilled out across the battlefield. 

"AHAHaaaa---" All For One took his final breath with a smirk on his face and laughing through the blood that poured out of his mouth as he truly did have the last laugh of the battle for he sent his brothers final successor to an unknown demise. As everything came to a standstill as no one could truly believe what they had just witnessed, a scream erupted from a very well known voice as it belonged to Toshinori Yagi aka the Symbol of Peace: All Might who had broken down into tears at the scene he had just seen. But even for the Symbol of Peace, his screams came to a end as they turned into complete silence as his voice died within his throat as his body was entering a panic attack and his airway was closing off cutting his oxygen supply. The man couldn't believe that the boy he had trained and taken under his wing had just disappeared in front of everyone without them having a clue what evil scheme All For One had just pulled.

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