Izuku Finds Civilization!

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3rd POV:

Rustling of the brush could be heard near the edge of the tree line and after a few minutes of more noise the brush was pushed aside to reveal one Izuku Midoriya who was malnourished and looked as if he had been dumped in a pile of mud. This was the state that Izuku found himself in after making his way through the forests for the past week and a half and he knew it took longer than it should have due to the sole fact that he had gotten himself turned around on multiple occasions due to monsters that he encountered. Gritting his teeth, Izuku shuddered a bit at the encounters he has had over the past week and a half with nearly just Goblins but a few other creatures as well. Overall, goblins from what he could tell weren't that strong and he easily defeated the ones he encountered but the issue for him was the fact that he had limited food and resources which resulted in him becoming more malnourished the longer he went on which wasn't good for him due to his quirk. One For All burned through calories quite quickly so the meager food that he did gain did nothing for him and he only expanded more energy due to the fights which didn't really earn him much in payoff outside of a few things.

However, Izuku rejoiced in the fact that he had finally made it out of the forest and exited the tree line where he had a much more open field of vision across the landscape. 'Following the flow of the water really did help speed things up in the long run...' Izuku thought as he worked off of the basic principal that if there was any intelligent life in this world than they likely worked off the same base principal of building near good sources of fresh water or food sources which the river was a good source of drinking water as it grew larger and larger as he went further down it as more streams connected into it. As Izuku stood there and looked out into the distance he was able to see the signs of life or what he was hoping to be life as he could see white smoke raise in the distance in a small grouping indicating that there was some source that was creating the smoke on a constant pace. As such, this meant only one thing to Izuku and that was to head towards the source in hopes of finding some sort of medical treatment which he knew he needed over a week ago along with some food to help rebuild his body up.

'Just got to hold on a bit longer...' Izuku thought as his body trembled under the pain that it was in but was pushed aside as Izuku placed one foot in front of the other as he started to walk forward once again knowing full well that if he came to a stop a second time then he would likely collapse. The further across the hilly plains that Izuku traveled the closer the smoke became until he discovered a road or what appeared to be a dirt road that had been beaten down over time but not by machines. 'I knew it was likely true but I just didn't want to accept it...' Izuku thought as he followed the dirt path towards the white smoke in the distance. Now what Izuku had wanted to refuse to accept was the stage of technology would be like in this new world that he was in because if things were anything like the manga back home then humanity in this world was likely less technological developed and focused on other things like maybe magic or something else. As such, finding a dirt road that wasn't created via heavy machinery was a large clue that whatever this world was, it was far less developed than his which meant less medical advancements as well. This did not bode well for Izuku who has damaged his body with his quirk over the time he has had it for nor does it mean anything good for the wounds that Izuku currently has which would take far longer to heal if medical advancements didn't really happen in this world.

Gritting his teeth, Izuku could only pray that someone would help a random stranger like him as he came closer and closer to the smoke source. After about an hour of walking, Izuku rounded up over the small incline on the hill and in front of him appeared a village or rather town Izuku would say though he had no idea what the locals would consider the place since to him it was a decent size place with a lot of buildings. There was also the fact that the place had wooden walls around the entire city from what he could tell as he came closer to it. The buildings he could see on the other side of the wall were built pretty sturdy as well and were not just random shacks built up so Izuku hoped they would be willing to allow him to work for treatment and food since he had nothing for local currency or even knew if the local language would be something he could speak!

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