Adventurer Task: Goblin's Lair

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3rd POV:

With a gentle breeze pushing through the forest, the brush around the ground swayed back and forth as small animals maneuvered around the forest as everything seemed untouched by human hands but unknown to these creatures was the fact that Izuku was in the tree above them. Looking up to around the middle of one of the trees, we could find Izuku Midoriya sleeping on a tarp looking material that was attached to two different branches which created a hammock of sorts for him to sleep in. The hammock was a soft brown and green colored piece of fur material that was made from the hides of a Grade 1 Three-Eyed Goat. These creatures were actual monsters that had been more or less domesticated over time as they had no real ability to threaten humans outside of their size. A fully grown Three-eyed Goat would stand about shoulder length to a normal sized adult so they weren't really dangerous unless one was able to sit on you.

 A fully grown Three-eyed Goat would stand about shoulder length to a normal sized adult so they weren't really dangerous unless one was able to sit on you

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Anyway, the creatures hide was perfect for weather resistance clothing and goods so it was one of the most used farm animals in world. Izuku was able to get some of the hide turned into a hammock and used some other materials he bought from a tailor to dye the hide into brown and light green color spots to help it blend in with a forest. As such, Izuku would be hidden away in the forest and allowed to sleep far easier than risking being out in the open on long trips or tasks. It was also good for a quick way of hiding from dumber creatures as well if the need ever arose. Now back to Izuku himself as we can see that he was now waking up since the sun was now shining more into his eyes as it has risen enough from the horizon to peak through the forest. Rubbing his eyes, Izuku maneuvered himself into a seating position and peaked over the edge of the branch to see if there was any monster below him that would cause an issue but he saw none so he started to move himself out of the hammock as he kept an eye out in all directions. 

Packing the hammock up in his travel bag, Izuku grabbed his sword and tied it back to his waist as he started to jump between the branches as he headed down to the forest floor as it was now day two of his trip. 'Hopefully I can find some better tracks of the goblins...' Izuku thought as he finally landed on the ground and started to move forward with a piece of beef jerky in his mouth. During the entire first day of his trip, Izuku was unable to locate any fresh tracks that would have indicated of recent activity of goblins in the area. Instead, he found old tracks that were about a month or so old which looked as if there had been a fight between two opposing groups due to how erratic the footprints were. Izuku wondered if the recent sightings closer to the road and town were due to another creature pushing random goblins out of its territory since fights between creatures wasn't uncommon in this world. However, that was a thought he pushed to the side for now as Izuku made his way through the forest and kept a track of where he was going the best he could with the low level detailed map and compass he had. Izuku wasn't even surprised that this world had such a thing like a compass since even in his world they were made far back in the 12th century. Even a temporary one could be made with a piece of metal like a nail, fur, and some sitting water if you were good enough at it.

Moving forward, Izuku spent the next few hours going deeper into the forest as he kept searching for any signs of the goblin's lair that should be around the areas he was in but so far nothing was turning up. However, that was until he heard a wailing screech from what Izuku believed to be some wild deer that normally moved through these parts based on the tracks he has seen and studied in the library. Moving towards the sound, Izuku was hoping it was some goblins that attacked the animal which would allow him to just follow them back to their lair or a general area of where the monsters were lingering at but he was quite shocked when he came over a small hill in the forest. About 100 yards away from him was not only a goblin but a hobgoblin as well which was ordering the normal goblins around. Izuku knew that if there was a hobgoblin around than the goblin's lair was no longer just a normal threat but a much larger one due to the fact that hobgoblins didn't typically get birthed unless there was a need for it in the goblins community. 

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