Adventure Guild: First Mission!

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3rd POV:

After leaving the blacksmith, Izuku walked a few streets over towards the adventure guild where he could sign up for his license approving of him to roam freely in the world. Luckily, it was only a few streets off from the market and not across the town since it was starting to get later in the day since he spent quite a bit of his time looking around the blacksmith for some good gear since he couldn't be hasty about it there was also the fact that he did have to wait a bit to get his blade fixed before he could leave the previous shop as well which he had almost forgotten about before the old blacksmith stopped him from leaving like an idiot. Shaking his head, Izuku now stood outside of the adventure guild with the few pieces of equipment he bought on his body equipped already since it would be stupid to at least to not try and act like he knew what he was doing. Pushing the door to the building open, Izuku was greeted with a small flight of steps, which led down to a bar looking area. 'Is this the correct place?' Izuku thought since he had never been in the building before now since he didn't have the money to even bother with getting signed up until now really.

 'Is this the correct place?' Izuku thought since he had never been in the building before now since he didn't have the money to even bother with getting signed up until now really

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Walking around the floor of the building he approached the counter and one of the workers came up to him while asking what they could do for him. "I'm looking to sign up as an adventure, I'm assuming I'm in the correct building, Yes?" Izuku asked and the employee raised their eyebrow as they inspected Izuku's appearance. "I know, I know. I don't look the part or seem like I should be doing this but I need to search for a way back to my home since I arrived here unexpectedly so I have to become an adventure to make it easier to travel in the near future." Izuku said and the employee looked at him for a bit longer before nodding their head with a sigh. "Fine, follow me over to the other counter and we can start. Do remember that it costs 1 silver coin to sign up with the adventure guild which is non-refundable." the employee said as they took him over to the other counter. "I know about the cost to sign up and have it prepared." Izuku said and the employee had a small smile on their face likely due to people not being prepared to fork over the money all of the time when signing up which means they would have wasted the employees time. 

After waiting a bit at the counter, the worker came back with the forms that Izuku would need to fill out for his registration. Taking the paper, Izuku started to read them and filled them out one by one until he stopped at one page where it asked if he had a will or final letter that he wanted deposited with the adventure guild which he raised his eye at. The worker knew that it was a common question for new adventures so she started to talk once he had gotten to the page and stalled, "This is apart of the 1 silver cost to sign up with the guild. In the event of your death or assumed death, the adventure guild will post your death throughout all guilds possible on the death notice board alerting anyone you may know to be alerted of your death. The will or letters would be handed as best as we could but no promises are made to ensure they get to where they need to be as most sit idle for years before someone claims a letter due to the distance of the world." said the worker which made Izuku ask if he could deposit one later on or change it later on. "Indeed, the first deposit will be free but any future changes will incur a 2 bronze coin cost to offset the cost of paperwork and employee wages." said the female worker which Izuku found reasonable in all aspects since they likely had a lot of wills or letters to manage over the years.

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