Adventurer Task: Calm Before The Storm!

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3rd POV:

Days have passed by since Izuku had unlocked his Aether and Miles was making use of every single second that he could during Izuku's training since the suppression team would likely be formed in the coming days. Each day, Izuku would be beaten left and right as Miles made Izuku try to strength his body by using the Aether to reinforce it which provides better defense capabilities but also stronger attack capabilities. Of course, Miles gave Izuku the theories behind how to apply his Aether to his weapons or other tools that was in his hands but that wasn't the main focus of the training currently since the building blocks of Aether training was to strength the body first than apply it to other things. Of course, anything you applied Aether to had to remain in your hands due to how fast it would dissipate once you let go of it.

On the tenth day of training out on the sword training field, Miles received word from the guild master that he was being requested to join the suppression team due to his strength even though he was retired. Izuku had learned from miles that when he retired from being an adventurer, he had retired at the grade of 7 which was very high grade in the grand scheme of the world. The higher the grade the less number of people that have obtained that grade due to difficulty of the monsters and completion of tasks. Of course, you couldn't just complete grade two or three tasks all of the time and expect to make it up to a grade 7 rank. No, the higher the grade the higher the tasks you need to do if you want your grade to advance so Izuku was amazed personally that Miles had retired at such a high grade. In all honestly, he wondered what grade the local guild master was at since he knew you had to be grade 4 or higher to be a guild master.

Now back to the point at hand since Izuku wanted to know if the old man would be joining the suppression team or not since Izuku had been debating on joining it himself if the guild would allow it since he didn't know if there was a grade restriction on it or not due to it being a formal team created by the guild itself instead of just an open task. Miles sighed and nodded his head as he spoke, "I'll be joining it you brat. I know you have been having thoughts of joining it as well so I'll come to make sure you don't end up dying by a stupid mistake." Miles said and Izuku rubbed the back of his head. "I'm not that bad old man!" Izuku said but the old man just hit him with the wooden sword as he rolled his eyes. "Can't even block or dodge a simple strike but thinks he can be a good monster hunter. What has the world come to with your generation?" Miles said as he just hit Izuku again before he could make any complaints.

After a few more hours of training, Izuku asked one of the important questions. "So when did the guild say the team would be gathering?" Izuku asked as he laid on the ground exhausted. 'Going to be bruised again tonight...' Izuku thought as he waited for old man miles to answer the question. "It will be in three days so we will be holding off any more extreme training. For the two days before the gathering I want you to just do the mediation training and work on moving while moving around so you can start getting better at it. Right now you have been having a bit of trouble of keeping the Aether flowing when moving but you will get better at it with more prtatice. I'm surprised you can already move a few steps without it stopping since most people can't even do that in the short period of time you have been using it." Miles said and Izuku nodded his head. In all honestly, Izuku thought it would have been just as easy of using it like he did with One For All but it wasn't. It wasn't like a quirk that you could simply turn on and off when you wanted to do so. No, for Aether you had to be careful in its usage and be able to do it without a single thought so training the body to do what you needed to it to do with a new power wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. Of course, one for all did give him some ideas and helped him along but that is as far as it would take him since it was just too unique of a power from what quirks were.

"I'll get there sooner or later old man and then it will be me beating you with the wooden sword." Izuku said with a small grin on his face as he stood up from the ground. Dusting his pants off, Izuku could think of only one thing really and that was the fact that he saw Miles as a father-figure in this new world which was ironic if you would ask Izuku. He had many father figures but they were all back in his old world so this was his newest father figure that he had collected that belonged to this world. 'Going for a multi-planet father figure collection.' Izuku thought in his mind as he walked next to miles back towards the town since they were calling it a day. Miles had things to do before he would be ready for the suppression mission that would be coming in the coming days so he wouldn't be joining Izuku anymore for the trainings which was fine with Izuku since he was just going to be doing the Aether training while attempting to move so the old man didn't need to be there far as Izuku was concerned.

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