Adventurer Task: Demonic Goblin

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3rd POV:

Loud white noise was the only thing Izuku could hear currently through his ears as even his own thoughts were being drowned out by the white noise ringing in his ears. Looking down at his hands, Izuku could see them covered in blood but he couldn't remember where the blood came from but the only thing he knew was that he should be dead right now but wasn't which is why he wondered where the blood came from. The longer he spent trying to remember the more his head started to hurt and a sense of lost would wash over him. 'Something happened... what was it?' Izuku thought as he looked around to try and figure out where he was and the only thing he could see around him was some sort of cave system with a large hole in the center of the room. Pushing himself up, Izuku stumbled a bit before gaining enough strength in his lower body to stand without an issue. His body felt as if it was being held down by heavy weights but he pushed through it and started to walk around the area he was in. 'There are a few exits and one area that looked blocked.' Izuku thought to himself as he analyzed the area he was in but one thing he did notice was the sheer amount of blood across the entire room. Whatever had been bleeding was likely dead due to the amount of blood in the room.

Overall, there was nothing in the room itself with him outside of the blood but there was one last place to look which was the hole in the center of the room itself. Coming near the edge of the hole, Izuku was careful not to stumble down into it due to his weakened body but once he got next to the edge he finally remembered what had happened and why he was covered in blood. The old man had pushed him out of the way when the demonic creature went on a rampage so Miles had taken a blow that was meant for Izuku instead! Izuku remembers this all because down in the hole was the old man's body with the dead demonic creature which had been smashed under all of the rocks. Izuku made his way to another side of the hole which had enough dirt and rocks near it to get down into it which allowed him to make his way towards old man Miles. As Izuku arrived next to him with some struggle, Izuku was surprised to find that Miles was still alive but it was clear to Izuku that without modern medicine from his world or a powerful healer in this world showing up than Miles wasn't going to make it with the wounds he had! "Old man! Wake up, come on!" Izuku said as he tapped the face of Miles a bit until he woke up. "Brat..." was the first word that Miles uttered out through his bloody coughs.


As both Izuku and Miles stood in front of the demonic creature, Izuku felt as if the creature just saw them as pure entrainment due to the facial expressions it was holding and that fact rubbed him the wrong way. To come to terms with the fact that he was nothing more than pure entrainment for some other entity felt like it was beyond his comprehension but then Izuku wondered if this is what animals felt like when humans pitted them against each other or they were hunted down purely for sport. However, Izuku was snapped out of his thoughts when the old man placed a hand on his shoulder once again and told him to calm down. "We need to work together and figure out a way to get to those other tunnels because it shouldn't be able to follow us into them due to the size of it." Miles said and Izuku nodded his head as he asked if he had any plans.

Izuku was met with nothing but silence as he slowly turned his head and looked at Miles. "You got a plan right?" Izuku asked but Miles shook his head to the side as he said that he didn't really have any plan since this wasn't something he encountered before. The fear that Izuku had felt before had come rushing back in full force in that tiny moment because if the old man who was a Sword Master didn't know what to do then what hope was there against such a creature? However, Miles wasn't going to give up that easily as he reminded Izuku of the fact that whenever they used Aether that the creature went on guard somewhat towards them. "If it is truly a demonic creature then our Aether may be able to counter it which means I should be able to injure it since I can apply Aether to my sword." Miles said and Izuku nodded his head as he asked what he could do to help. Miles thought it over for a bit before telling Izuku to head towards the exit when he started to fight the creature.

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