Adventurer Task: Attaining A New Power?

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3rd POV:

It had been a few days since Izuku had turned in his report to the adventurer guild and during this time he has been training nearly nonstop. However, one thing kept bugging him and it was the fact that the old man from the blacksmith shop had been watching him from the distance. 'Why doesn't' he just come up to talk or find me in town?' Izuku thought as he knew the old man was standing there and the fact that the old man knew that Izuku knew he was there as well because Izuku had turned around when he felt someone watching him. They both had made direct eye contact with each other multiple times these past few days so it was just that the old man didn't want to talk currently which bugged Izuku and had his nerves on edge of what the old man wanted. He trusted the old man and didn't think he had upset him with anything so he didn't think he meant harm but being watched nonstop was unnerving. However, on the start of the 4th day when Izuku walked out to the training field that he had personally made all those months ago he finally got his answer regarding the old man unusual behavior.

"Oi, Brat come here!" Yelled the old man as he walked up to the training grounds. Izuku just did as the old man told him to as he walked over and sat on the ground as instructed. "How much money do you have to your name currently?" Old man Miles asked Izuku which confused him but said a bit over 1 gold coin causing the man to nod his head. "Good, for the rest of the time moving forward you are banned from going out on tasks or doing anything else. I'm taking your training over as I'm going to teach you some techniques of mine and how to use Aether." Miles said as Izuku was confused on what Aether was since he didn't remember reading anything about it in the books back at the library. Though the old man did see Izuku's confusion written across his face so he started to explain a bit about it. "Betting you wonder what it is, right?" Miles asked and Izuku nodded his head. "Aether is another word for mana or magic that magic users use like the healers at the church but it's not expelled from the body like they use it. No, this is the form that sword masters use and the real only way to learn it is from a master themselves so you wouldn't read about it in any books unless you were at a royal library or something on that scale." Miles said and Izuku's eyes widened at the information he just received. He knew that the old man had likely been a strong adventure but to have been someone that had such a power was shocking.

"Now brat, I'm not promising you that you will obtain this power since not everyone can use it. It will be up to your own talent and determination but I think you might actually have a shoot at it." Miles said which caused Izuku to thank the man for the chance of gaining such a power. Izuku knew he had One For All to rely on in the future likely but right now it was still in a state of hibernation or something where he couldn't use it. So having another separate power would be extremely helpful to surviving in this world as well. Izuku asked what the first steps were for him to take which caused the man to smile a bit but shook his head as he said that they needed to go over some basic stuff first before they would attempt unlocking his Aether energy. "Firstly, you must understand how energy flows through the body because if you use Aether wrong than it can destroy your body. I'm still able to use Aether but I'm rusty at it due to lack of usage so we need to be careful as we unlock yours." Miles said and Izuku nodded his head once again as he listened to the old man explain how the energy would flow through his body and ways to apply it.

This conversation kept going on for most of the morning and into a portion of the afternoon as Izuku had learned about the five Aether points across his body in which he needed to send energy to when he wanted to be able to use Aether correctly. As they were doing this mediation training it dawned upon Izuku that this training and the Aether points had something in common with a religion back on earth! The names were different but in the end the five points were the Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Space Aether points. This was more or less the similar to the Buddhist chakras point in their religion when they mediated! There was also another thing that Izuku realized and that it was the Aether points would ensure that he would spread the energy out across his entire body in a similar manner that he did with One For All which meant he might have an edge in utilizing this new form of energy since he might have some practice with the method already with them being so similar! 

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