Adventure Task: Emotional Moments

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3rd POV:

The air around Izuku was tense and everyone could understand the reason behind it because when both squads finished cleaning up the Goblin Lair and retrieving Miles body, the Guild Master had learned from the few remaining members of Izuku's squad that the three criminal adventurers had escaped when they were confronted about what they had done by the other remaining squad members. Learning of this fact meant that the three of them had roughly gained an entire hour of free movement due to Izuku being stuck in the lair finishing up the mission and this pissed him off since they could escape anywhere in this world if he didn't find them soon enough. The Guild Master made everyone start moving out back towards the town fairly quickly since he wanted a notice put out for the three individuals to be captured or killed since he had enough testimony from multiple sources of what the three had done but for now they would be free to roam since if they had any ounce of intelligence they would be smart enough not to stay in Godmouth by the time the remaining suppression team members had returned.

Slowly walking through the forest, Izuku had elected to stay near the middle of everyone because in front of him was the small wooden sled that had been created to drag Miles body. All of the other bodies were in far too many pieces to be currently brought back so another team with actual carts would be sent out to acquire what they could along with investigators from the kingdom since the appearance of a demonic creature would gather a large amount of attention and raise many questions. As such, there wasn't going to be an issue with retrieving the other corpses so that they could be buried but Miles had do a great service to the town and the kingdom when he defeated the demonic creature so his body could not be left behind no matter what. As they walked with each step, Izuku eyes stayed glued to Miles as if the man would just wake up and say it was all a joke but the more time that passes the whiter the skin became and Izuku just wanted to refuse the truth in front of him even though deep down he accepted it but couldn't a man dream?

Time flew without resistance as the sun was starting to set in the distance but the decision was made against camping for the night as they were growing closer and closer towards the road which would be more or less a straight shot back to town from there. It would be nightfall before they would actually step on the road but everyone was fine with that as they just wanted to go back to their homes and grief for the fallen who had given their lives in this deadly profession. After the moon was up in the sky, they had finally stepped upon the road as it was colored with the low light from the moons reflection. Turning his head towards the moon, Izuku mind begun to wander to many subjects but one that caught his mind the most was the question of why he was brought to this world. Was it some higher entity or was it just his pure shitty luck once he had broken out of the void tunnel instead of being sent back to his own home? This world while lacking in many things compared to his home had one thing that was similar no matter how you looked at it and it was the fact that no matter the world, death was always painful for those that were left behind. This thought though caused all of his anger for the three vile bastards to rise up to the surface once again as he gritted his teeth and clenched his hands as he turned his eyes back towards the deceased old man in front of him.

One thought now crossed Izuku's mind and that was the sole fact that he was going to make them pay for what they had done!

As the night progressed along, they finally arrived back at the town and one of the very first things that Izuku saw happen was the guild master asking the guards about the three adventures since their arrival and departure would have been recorded with the towns guard. As the rest of the squads checked in, Izuku waited to hear word about the wanted men as the guards had to go check with their main office records since they are stored every hour from each gate. With the cold air rolling across the streets, Izuku felt a chill up his spine and had a bad feeling as the guard came back to report the findings. Hearing the words from the guard as he spoke to the guild master sent even more anger through Izuku's body as the guard reported that the three men never returned to the town at all which should be impossible unless they had never planned to return after what they had done!

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