Adventurer Task: Reporting In!

769 39 6

3rd POV:

Standing on the edge of the forest line, Izuku looked across the open fields and saw the road in front of him in the distance. 'Almost back to the town...' Izuku thought as he set off once again out of the forest. Izuku was glad that he had ended up hitting the road as it confirmed that the path he took was more or less a straight shot from the road to the hidden lair so now he just needed to mark the edge of the road with some sort of signifier so that the suppression team would know where to enter from with a rough estimate as the goblin's lair was about 2 and a half hours away from the road. Overall, it was a bit further away than anyone thought it would likely be since there had been sightings near the road before but with the fact of multiple Hobgoblins being in the lair. With this knowledge in mind it wasn't surprising the lair was a bit further away while still having sightings this close to town since the lair would need a lot more food to feed the higher evolved goblins than normal for a small lair.

After walking for about half an hour on the dirt path, Izuku could see the town walls in the distance as a small smile came across his face. Pushing forward, Izuku came closer and closer to the gate sadly for him it was the captain who was at the gate this morning checking identification as people went in and out of the town. 'Ugh, why do I have to deal with him?' Izuku thought as he pulled his Adventurer Identification card out and handed it to the man as he came up to the gate. The captain took it and looked it over and then handed it back with a small sneer. "You were gone for a few days... Thought you got killed or something while out on a task. You could always rejoin the guard if you ever get scared out there." The captain said and Izuku just rolled his eyes at the man and moved through the gate. Izuku knew that the captain overall wasn't an evil guy but was a sleazy type that loved making money off of putting people into his debt and having control over those who he believed to have decent power so Izuku knew not to confront the man otherwise the man might find some reason to trap him again in a contract or worst... a Debt Slave contract.

Now you might be thinking that the world does slavery but not like his home world did in its past. Generally people only ended up as slaves to work off debt and Izuku was glad he didn't get forced into one when he first appeared to pay off his debt to the captain but even as a debt slave you still had a lot of basic human rights that other had. Your freedom of movement and some other aspects though were heavily controlled by whoever you owed your debt too. Also, it had to be a major debt and not just a small amount otherwise everyone would be put into these type of contracts by scummy people. Anyway, diverging off the point now so Izuku pushed all of those depressing thoughts to the side and out of his mind the best he could.

Walking through the town for a bit, Izuku made it to the adventure guild building and opened the door quickly. Stepping down the steps he entered the bar area and looked around for one of the employees that he normally talks with when he comes to report in a task or just checking in. As he was about to walk across the hall to one of the employees he spotted, he was called out by another adventurer who had been drinking at one of the tables. "OI, BRAT! I hear you took the tracking mission, any luck or did you get too scared in the forest?" Asked the drunk man which annoyed Izuku a bit. 'If you are going to drink and get drunk make sure you don't make a fool out of yourself!' Izuku thought as even he has had a drink or two over the months in this world because with the job he does it didn't really matter what age he was. If you were old enough to go out and hunt then you were old enough to drink in this world standards but Izuku knew to control his drinking since you never know what might happen in this world so it was best to stay as sober as possible unless you had someone watching your back which Izuku didn't have the luxury of.

Ignoring the man sadly seemed to only anger the drunk. Izuku knew this because the moment he started to walk away the man had thrown a cup of beer across the hall trying to hit Izuku but the man had horrible aim while being drunk. So instead of hitting Izuku it had hit one of the female workers instead which caused the entire hall to come to a complete standstill as all of the employees glared at the drunk man. Izuku looked at the women and asked if she was alright since the container did knock against her head and neck area but she said she was physically okay. Of course she was soaked in beer but at least she was physically fine and not hurt. However, it seems one of the employees went and reported what happened to the guild hall master who was also a semi-retired adventurer as well from what information Izuku had gathered from others in the town. The man stood far taller than Izuku would likely ever grow to in his entire life and clearly had a lot of experience if the man's skin was evidence of anything due to the sheer number of scars across it. Of course, he even had the typically old man beard and hair that was white which made you think of a very old man that was weak in physical abilities. However, one thing was clear while standing in the presence of the guild master and that was the sheer power the man contained in his body. Izuku felt as if he wanted to run away from the man which confused him as he thought that the danger sense quirk working again somehow but it wasn't... no, it was just pure primordial instinct of his body telling him to run away from the man in front of him due to the sheer danger he possessed.

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