Building Strength & Decisions

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3rd POV:

After that fateful day of contemplating his life in the new world, Izuku had spent the past 3 months working hard at building his skills in using a blade since he created a miniature sword training arena out on the outskirts of the wood near the town. This was due to the fact that there was no sword training grounds inside of the town nor did he want to be watched nonstop by anyone in the town if he could help it so he broke down some trees using an axe he purchased thus having a rough training dummy made of wood he could attack with his sword! Though, he had no real clue if all of this training was for nothing or if it was paying off yet since he had been just studying the book from the library. However, the sword training and other physical activates were paying off in one regard aspect since Izuku's body was far more toned in muscles now. This was also contributed by the increase in the food he had from the inn since he had been eating more to keep up with his quirk calorie burning capabilities.

Now though, on a crisp cold morning with the sun rising in the distance, hard breathing could be heard as we look to see Izuku finishing another day of early morning training which he has kept up with for the past 3 months. With one final strike, Izuku cut through the wooden dummy which resulted in the head being decapitated from the rest of the body. Putting his sword back in its scabbard, Izuku looked at the training dummy in front of him and then looked to his side at all of the old ones that he had been training on over the few months. After each month came to an end, Izuku moved to the next training dummy and started fresh so that he would have a method of visually seeing any progression in his training being done through his attacks. 'The damage or rather the effectiveness of me swinging the blade is far better but it still isn't where it should be compared to other people in this world.' Izuku thought as he knew the threats in this world to his life didn't come just from the creatures our in the world but other humans as well.

Starting from the first dummy, it had cracks and slash marks cut into the wood but nothing was really deep nor would be life threating for others. Now it was indeed wood and was harder to cut through than human skin but most humans that he knew he would encounter were bound to have armor on or some sort of protection. This didn't even consider that some monsters may have skin that was tough as some metals depending on their abilities or species. As such, if he couldn't do much to wood than he would be good as dead against any real threat in the world. Now during the second month of working on his training, Izuku saw a good deal of progress in how he held his blade and didn't put to much force in his attacks. You would think that the more force you put in your attack the better right!? Sadly no, you could have all the brute strength in the world but if your technique is horrible than someone with far better skills could end up using your own strength in their own attack to kill you. Instead, you needed the right amount of force combined with the right handing of the blade to inflict more damage and cutting ability.

Now though with this latest month of training competed, Izuku had been able to finally slice through a portion of the wood. Instead of just making dents, small cuts, or other mediocre wounds... Izuku had been able to complete deep slash marks or cut through the thinner portions of the wood with clean looking cuts. At the start of the month the cut started to loss their drag or pulling marks where the wood looked as if it was ripped apart instead of cleanly cut like they do now. This was the result of nonstop dedicated training that Izuku had been putting in while gaining a deeper understanding of the swordsmanship stances from the basic book. Of course, this didn't mean adventure work was neglected at all because it wasn't. Each day after training, he made sure to head to the adventure guild and took on simple tasks or gathering requests for the town so he could keep earning enough money to survive. Of course every coin that was earned was spent currently to keep up with his eating habits which meant that right now he was actually losing money and would need to start taking higher paying jobs soon but that also meant it would be time to travel away from this town as well seeing as he has spent 7 months so far in this town.

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