Letting Go, Forward!

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~Note~ This is the first post I have made in a while so enjoy I hope? Also, it's not as long as I normally make things so sorry about that but it's the first thing in a while.

3rd POV: 

Light broke through the cracks in the wooden cover over the inn's window and as the light grew it shined into the eyes of Izuku causing him to stir awake. It had been several weeks since the death of Miles and Izuku had been itching to do something... anything productive but he's been tied to staying in the city by the order of the guild master. It was nice that all of his expenses were being paid due to that order but Izuku could only train and wander around the town as he had been waiting all of this time it was finally time to get back to work.

The reason Izuku had to stay around was due to the royal officers from the kingdom's capital that had been sent to investigate the claims of a demonic entity as nothing like this has ever been seen and everything was thought to be myth written in the books even though they were included in the history books. Now that might be strange but things can and are distorted over time so to have physical proof of something that was thought to belong to an era long gone now showing up in the present... was unnerving for the kingdom so they wanted to get a clear idea of what had happened. As such, Izuku had to stay around and answer questions about what happened which didn't sit well with him since those three... were just getting further and further away but as the guild master had told him, they would pay one day as the bounty for them would cross national boundaries due to it being issued by the guild. 

Now back to Izuku himself, as he pushed himself off the bed Izuku stretched his arms and legs as he prepared himself for the day as it was going to be a busy day. Why you may ask? Well, today of course was the last day Izuku planned to stay in the town of Godmouth since a mission to head out of the town into the neighboring nation of Leighesia had been issued! This mission was a special convey mission as well as it was a notice from the kingdom of Brurland to the kingdom of Leighesia about the demonic incident that had occurred in the forest that was on the boundary between both of their countries. Normally, Izuku wouldn't be able to take on such a mission but the guild master of Godmouth had vouched for Izuku and asked the military officers to allow Izuku to accompany the convoy as part of the mission. Of course, after some back-and-forth talks, Izuku was allowed to go with them but he wouldn't be paid for it but it would still count as a mission for his guild record. The others that were a part of the convoy were all from the military, so it was hard to get accepted on the convoy because it wasn't a 'mission' from the guild.

The pay didn't matter to Izuku anyway as the reward from the suppression team had earned him a decent amount of money as just his kills had earned him 100 silver and then there was the reward for just taking the mission which was another 25 silvers due to it being a 'successful subjugation' which Izuku never considered it successful due to what it made him lose. Anyway, that didn't even count the one gold coin he got from due to the rewards Miles should have earned which was the 1 gold coin for a goblin King kill. Even though it wasn't a goblin king anymore, neither the guild nor the kingdom knew what to pay for the demon, so the guild master promised to have him issued anything else once the final reward was determined. 

Now back to Izuku who was now down at the bottom of the inn eating his food with all of his gear packed up. If Izuku was honest, he was a bit nervous about setting off from the town as he was entering the complete unknown but he didn't want to disappoint the old man by weeping around in this town and never going out and exploring the world just because he got scared after everything that happened. No... Izuku had things to accomplish that required him to leave and push forward no matter how much it hurt to leave the place where all of his memories were with the old man. 

Standing up, Izuku placed a few extra silver on the counter for the innkeepers. "Thank you for taking care of me while I was here. I don't know if we will ever see each other again." Izuku said as he bowed his head slightly to the workers who smiled back and wished him good luck on his travels. "Here we go..." Izuku whispered as he stepped outside of the inn and started to head off toward the city gates. Step by step, memories played throughout his head of his time here in the town but he didn't stop until he reached the gates and saw the convey gathering together. "Oi, you Izuku?" asked an older man who wore simpler military armor but appeared to have much experience due to the scars that adorned his arms. Nodding his head, Izuku greeted the man as he confirmed who he was. "Good, we are almost ready to set off. As you know, you will join this mission but you will follow our orders until we reach the capital of Leighes for the Kingdom of Leighesia." stated the military officer whose name was Aslam. Aslam was an old veteran of this kingdom's military and Izuku wasn't going to start trouble with him or anyone else for the matter since he just wanted to get out of this town and start exploring for answers.

"I understand, I thank you for accepting me as I've been waiting for some mission to take me out of the town and out further to other towns," Izuku said as he loaded his gear up on the carriage that other things were being placed upon. Aslam nodded his head and explained that they would be not stopping in Darhingham which was a town on the national bounds of the two kingdoms but instead would keep moving forward to Bretley before they headed off to the capital. 

After the exchange of a few more words, the convoy was ready to set off and within a few minutes, they started to set forth with Izuku walking to the side of the carriage. The military officers had horses and a carriage but Izuku would only ride on the carriage later on or when he got tired as they still needed to be careful of monsters even though they would be traveling on the main route that had high traffic. There was also the issue of possible bandits and other things as well. As Izuku kept taking steps away from the city, he turned around slightly to look at the city, and in his mind, he wished Miles a Farwell and a farewell to the hero Deku as his times of being a hero were over as he was now the adventurer Izuku Raymond-Midoriya 

~Flashback Adventurers Guild~

"Are you sure about this, it's quite a thing to put in the storage? Not that I have a problem with it." asked the guild master who looked at the box in front of him as Izuku nodded his head. "Indeed, it's time I let go of this but I don't want to get rid of it. It's from my old home but as I promised the old man I will keep my mind open to the possibility of never getting home. That doesn't mean I'm giving up on finding a way... it's still my main focus but if I keep that box around I won't be able to think of anything else." Izuku said and the guild master nodded his head as he placed the box on the counter and had one of the other workers take it away. 

What was in the box? Of course, it was the outfit that he wore in the final battle again All For One, the outfit he arrived here in... his hero outfit. But... he wasn't a hero anymore since he came to this world. No, he was just trying to live and knew he was going to do things that didn't align with the views that his hero outfit normally would bind him with. As such, the outfit couldn't stay with him nor would it be safe to keep as it could get destroyed in a fight or stolen. As such, Izuku had the guild place it as his item in the guild's vault in the event of his death. Though who would come to claim the items from the vault would be a question he didn't have an answer for, and they wouldn't understand what the outfit meant to him anyway, it didn't matter in the end.


Izuku stopped looking at the town and ran a bit to get back up with the group and shook his head to dispel the thoughts of what he was leaving behind as it couldn't and shouldn't hold him back anymore as he need to push forward. However, unknown to Izuku and many of this world... Izuku was destined for great things even in a world far from home as this was the day that Izuku Raymond-Midoriya was born! "Leighes, here I come!" Izuku said as the light in his eyes grew with each step he took forward."


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