Gathering Information & Gear!

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3rd POV:

"UGH!" Izuku shouted out loud while standing guard on top of the town's wall for what felt like the millionth time so far which just pisses himself off. It has been roughly 4 months since Izuku had arrived in this new world which has only led to him being indebted to that stupid captain of the towns guard. Although not everything was a complete lost in regards to finding the town of Godmouth since he had access to more people, information, food, and shelter. One of the biggest things that Izuku had learned of was what the world was called by the locals. The name of the world according to the residents of Godmouth was, Onaia which means God's Cradle or so the residents told Izuku. God's Cradle left Izuku feeling off as he wonder if there truly was a god and if they had a hand in his appearance in this world even though he knew it was All For One's doing of sending him into the void but he couldn't help the what-if's that plagued his mind. Regardless, he was also able to gather more information regarding the landscape of the world but this town only had limited maps so he would have to get one from a bigger city or a capital.

 Regardless, he was also able to gather more information regarding the landscape of the world but this town only had limited maps so he would have to get one from a bigger city or a capital

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Overall, it was just a map of the overall borders, rivers, main routes of the surrounding territories. As such, it lacked more detailed information but it did give Izuku a overall impression of scale to a degree as well as the fact that he learned that the area he came from was near the boarder between Dunsham, Leighes, and Bruland which was less developed due to monsters in that area. There was also the fact that down the middle of most of this area where Izuku had come from was large mountains that made traveling hard which helped stop wars between both sides of the mountains so it granted some level of peace between the sides. Of course, that doesn't mean war doesn't happen as it is far more common than back in Izuku's home world but people were still more focused on the monsters and keeping the peace as long as a rival country didn't push things to far like invading or hurting people from another land. 

Anyway, outside of learning about the overall land there was some other things that Izuku had gained knowledge of such as currency! In all honestly you would think a world that was split like it was and broken into rival countries would have many different currencies but it didn't! In the past there was indeed different currencies between the countries but with the rise of the adventures guild which remained a neutral party to all countries they created a common currency that could be used no matter what country you were in as the adventures guilds across the world would take it. This meant that other countries lost value in their currencies over time due to how dependent the world was on people fighting the monsters outside of the government taking them on which was costly to use standing armies to do such things since it weakened their defenses again another country! As such, the purity and value of currency became standardized in the following format;

Copper Coin - Lowest denomination of 1 unit

1 Silver Coin = 100 Copper Coins

1 Gold Coin = 1,000 Silver Coins

1 White Gold Coin = 5 Gold Coins

1 Platinum Coin = 100 White Gold Coins

Overall, most normal citizens in this world would never see a platinum or a white gold coin at all since they tend to be used mainly on the national level or for business that earn a large amount of money. For example, Izuku was only earning 15 Copper coins per day of work as a guard for the town but he was also losing 12 of that towards his debt each day for food, shelter, and clothing which was annoying but again most people didn't have a large amount of money unless they were extremely good at something like the adventures. Adventures in this world was similar to how it was in a manga or novel where they would take missions from the local guild and earn money based on the missions or requests that they received and could easily make what Izuku made for an entire week in one day by killing some goblins! The problem though was that you had to be strong and past tests to rank up in the adventure guild to get better requests while there was also a cost of 1 silver coin to even sign up with the adventure guild. The reason there was a cost was to stop random people from getting themselves killed for overestimating themselves in thinking of making a quick payday so the cost was put in place to cover the work of signing someone up in the guild and dealing with random people wasting the guild's time.

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