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"well, my instinct was right. you sound like absolute shit." bakugou said, as he laid on his bed.

"well considering the fact that i am shit i can't really deny it can i?" todoroki replied, he was smiling. he wished bakugou could see it over the phone.

"so what did you want to talk about?" bakugou asked, he wasn't going to admit but he was clueless for once. he didn't know what to say to make the conversation longer.

"do you think....the moon has ever fallen in love with the sun?"

there was silence over the phone, then a sigh. "why am i not surprised you'd ask something so stupid."

"it's not stupid, it's a thought. think about it, the two are completely opposite. one warms up the earth and the other cools it down, they keep it balanced. without one another they have no purpose, they need each other." todoroki explained, "there's a saying opposites attract one another."

bakugou thought about it, todoroki had a point. still he thought it was stupid. "just cause opposites attract doesn't mean they were meant to be together."

todoroki waited for the blonde to continue talking.

"so even if the moon did fall in love with the sun they can't be together. that'll mean destruction."

todoroki smiled, "sometimes love is destructive, it can either make or break you. but the question is, would you be willing to sacrifice it all for the one you love? i'd do it in a heartbeat if it means being with them."

"and that's the reason why you end up getting hurt. you fall in love with the wrong person and it's game over." bakugou sighed deeply, "trust me, i would know."

todoroki wanted to ask what bakugou meant, but he was smart enough to know he shouldn't push it further.

"i farted." he said bluntly, he actually didn't. he was saying this in hopes of lighting up the mood, bakugou knew this but laughed anyways.

"you're an idiot, i hope you know that." the blonde said, as a quiet yawn slipped from his mouth. "keep talking dumbass, tell me more of your stupid questions."

todoroki smiled softly, "i think what you need is a bedtime story." bakugou hummed softly, indicating he was falling asleep slowly.

todoroki carried on with countless of stories, questions, anything he could think of. and when he finally heard the soft snores coming from the blonde he knew he had done his job right.

"goodnight bakugou, sweet dreams." he too then fell asleep, without leaving the call.

𝙽𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚋𝚘𝚛 || 𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐎𝐁𝐀𝐊𝐔Where stories live. Discover now